path: root/vimrc
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-04-05~removed quite a few plugins, moving to normal vimodave
2020-03-02+opam config to vimrcAChavali
2020-02-15~vim bindings / -> sAChavali
2019-12-30-removing useless keybindingsAChavali
2019-12-20-removed a few useless packages as I move to EmacsA. Chavali
2019-11-24+keybind jk to escape textoreodave
2019-11-04~bindings for filesoreodave
2019-11-02~bindings to somewhat resemble doom Emacsoreodave
2019-11-02-fzf entry system, I'll manage on my ownoreodave
2019-11-02-plugins that are uselessoreodave
2019-08-05+Keybind for searching via ripgrep (<SPC>/r)oreodave
2019-07-27+MaybeFZF function to use when entering diroreodave
2019-07-26~Buffer searching to be more like doomoreodave
2019-07-23+Keybinds to move closer to doom keybindsoreodave
2019-07-23+Plugin vim-tmux-navigator to work with tmuxoreodave
2019-07-17Added a few keybinds, themes, and tag related pluginsoreodave
2019-07-13Made a project header and put keybinds thereoreodave
2019-07-13Added tags commands to query tags through fzforeodave
2019-07-13Changed resize and window creation keys to be more like emacsoreodave
2019-07-13Changed command to be similar to spacemacs - fei goes to init.eloreodave
2019-07-13Made all maps nonrecursiveoreodave
2019-07-12Added dotfiles for spacemacs, tmux, vim and zshoreodave