path: root/Scripts
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2025-01-22Remove XSECURELOCK_PAM_SERVICE from lock scriptAryadev Chavali
2025-01-04backup script performs notify-send <=> X display is availableAryadev Chavali
2024-12-03Cannot be bothered to explain - just read the changes if you wantAryadev Chavali
2024-11-01Ensure backgrounds script choose backgrounds randomly be defaultAryadev Chavali
2024-10-14Added script to connect via bluetooth to already known deviceAryadev Chavali
2024-10-14Update some scripts and SXHkD configAryadev Chavali
2024-10-05Add brightness to statdisplayAryadev Chavali
2024-10-05Add brightness script for statusbarAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01General emacsclient alias not dependent on ZSHAryadev Chavali
2024-09-23(Scripts/battery)~Fix issueAryadev Chavali
2024-09-23(Scripts/lock)~Indent variablesAryadev Chavali
2024-09-23(Scripts/cowfortune)-satanic optionAryadev Chavali
2024-09-23(Scripts)+localstream scriptAryadev Chavali
Uses the oldboy server, which may or may not be configured on YOUR machine, to find playlists or video files to watch via MPV
2024-09-16(Scripts)~qdisplay -> statdisplayAryadev Chavali
2024-09-08(Scripts)~minor adjustmentsAryadev Chavali
2024-09-08(Script)+qdisplay for displaying questions about the systemAryadev Chavali
Essentially a way for me to call dwm status bar scripts with a notification. Useful in full screen modes where I may not see my battery.
2024-08-28(Scripts/status)~Notify if battery is below 10%Aryadev Chavali
2024-08-19(Scripts)~lock: i3lock -> xsecurelock + xscreensaverAryadev Chavali
XSecureLock supports fingerprints and xscreensaver looks nicer.
2024-08-19(Scripts)~Fixup cowfortune and datetimeAryadev Chavali
Cowfortune now has a hardcoded absolute path to the cowfile. datetime has a better icon.
2024-08-19(Scripts)+script for getting time left in battery using acpi -bAryadev Chavali
Customisable and has an exact hour + minute timer.
2024-07-31Big pushAryadev Chavali
2024-07-27(Scripts)+ytsearch script using ytfzfAryadev Chavali
Actually quite proud of this one. Uses ytfzf to search up and select videos in YouTube, selecting the titles and URLs of all the videos then putting it on the clipboard.
2024-07-25(Scripts)~fix eselectAryadev Chavali
Big issue with emacsclient when launching alternate editor with eval instructions: it considers the --eval Lisp code a file name, which it opens as a buffer. Instead, use -a "" which launches Emacs with daemon on if no daemon is running. Also, instead of using a SystemD service for Emacs, let's just manage it via emacsclient. Less dependence on it then.
2024-06-23(Scripts)~Work on scripts a little bittAryadev Chavali
2024-06-22Tons of changesAryadev Chavali
2024-06-11(*)~Some cleanupAryadev Chavali
2024-06-11(Scripts)~mail_fetch:refresh notmuch before countingAryadev Chavali
2024-06-11(Scripts)~better eselectAryadev Chavali
2024-06-11(Scripts)~do_backup now has backups characterised by yearAryadev Chavali
2024-05-31Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'Aryadev Chavali
2024-05-31(Scripts|SystemD)~lower size of scriptsAryadev Chavali
2024-05-31(Scripts)+repo_find and rgrepAryadev Chavali
2024-05-13(Scripts)~if no emacs server then use just general emacsAryadev Chavali
2024-05-08(Scripts)~list_packages now uses lessAryadev Chavali
2024-05-08(Scripts)-some obsolete scriptsAryadev Chavali
2024-05-08(Scripts|Emacs/app)~ported eshell banner to a scriptAryadev Chavali
Instead of doing it all in Emacs lisp (which while pretty fun to write, is not fun to execute outside of Emacs), I wrote a shell script which generates the same banners, then just linked +eshell/banner-message to it.
2024-04-23(Scripts/status)~bluetooth-status now prints battery info if foundAryadev Chavali
2024-04-23(Scripts)+scripts to grab/open links and copy output for stAryadev Chavali
2024-04-23(Scripts)+labelled_terminalsAryadev Chavali
This script creates n labelled terminals, where n is passed in as a command line argument. This makes demonstrating and understanding differing layouts in say DWM or some other window manager easier as we can directly see how the stack changes based on operations.
2024-04-20(Emacs/*)~cleaning upAryadev Chavali
2024-04-18(Scripts)~datetime script uses different iconAryadev Chavali
2023-10-21(Scripts/status)~Changed emoticonsAryadev Chavali
2023-10-18(Scripts)~Prefix every notify-send with script creating itAryadev Chavali
2023-10-18(Scripts|SystemD)+mail fetch script and a SystemDservice/timer for itAryadev Chavali
Syncs every 3 hours. Produces a notify-send message on fetching.
2023-10-06(Emacs)+Elisp archive, (Scripts/status)+bluetooth statusAryadev Chavali
2023-10-06(Scripts|SystemD)~rework backup systemAryadev Chavali
This is purely for the desktop: only enable if you fix it up.
2023-09-22(Scripts)~timer script has variadic beep, more beeps in general, fixed bugsAryadev Chavali
2023-09-22(Scripts)+create_backup,+folder_sizeAryadev Chavali
create_backup does the obvious using tar and xz. Needs two arguments for what and where. folder_size does the obvious using du.
2023-09-22(Scripts)~timer now uses notify-send instead of espeakAryadev Chavali
2023-09-10(Scripts)~small changes to memory status, -emacs_curlAryadev Chavali