path: root/Doom
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-06-14+open project action to doom dashboarddx
2020-06-14~switched to ido module completiondx
2020-06-14~!hack org mode isn't loading correctly, reloaddx
2020-06-14~clean up config.orgdx
2020-06-11-csharp and fsharp configdx
2020-06-11~clean up configdx
2020-06-11~org config into config.eldx
2020-06-11~remppings gone to personal configdx
2020-06-11~use icomplete/ido for some of the functionsdx
2020-06-11~!fix bug where fill auto lines doesn't concat properlydx
2020-06-11~descriptive name for newline functiondx
2020-06-11+display line numbersdx
2020-06-11~remap compile back to the original functiondx
2020-06-11~byte compile config.el and all other filesdx
2020-06-11~theme: molokai -> gruvbox, font size: 17 -> 15dx
2020-06-11-base16 themes and a few other from personaldx
2020-06-11~auto-filled and added binding for auto-fill converterdx
2020-06-11+auto-fill-lines -> truncate-lines functiondx
2020-06-11~literate config -> org-babel-load-*dx
2020-06-10~alpha: 85 -> 95dx
2020-06-10~cleanup keybinds in config.orgdx
2020-06-10+company config with frontend configurationdx
2020-06-06~auto-fill -> truncate linesdx
2020-05-31+visual-line segmentdx
2020-05-31~my-* -> +oreoline-*dx
2020-05-31+enable eshelldx
2020-05-31~completion -> ivydx
2020-05-31~disable unused modulesdx
2020-05-31~icomplete module -> completion moduledx
2020-05-31~formatting oreoline/config.eldx
2020-05-31~ivy-read -> completing-read for dx:themes/set-new-themedx
2020-05-31~dx:newline function config.org -> personal.orgdx
2020-05-31~using icomplete command means that I don't need counsel bindingsdx
2020-05-31~symbol setupdx
2020-05-31~haskell +ghcide -> haskelldx
2020-05-31~ivy -> icompletedx
2020-05-31+icomplete moduledx
2020-05-25~corrected calctex linkdx
2020-05-25+bind to stop doom default bindings from taking the local leaderdx
2020-05-25+binding to open newlines without using o/Odx
2020-05-25~auto-fill-mode -> visual-line-mode, +org-toggle-latexdx
2020-05-25~auto filled lines to long linesdx
2020-05-25~pretty-code snippet: delete offending itemdx
2020-05-24~hook -> setq c-indent-styledx
2020-05-24~set SPC-SPC to execute-extended-commanddx
2020-05-24+recompile bindings for compilation bufferdx
2020-05-24+bind to M-s occurdx