path: root/doom.d
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doom.d')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/doom.d/config.org b/doom.d/config.org
index 62b7af6..8af81ba 100644
--- a/doom.d/config.org
+++ b/doom.d/config.org
@@ -130,92 +130,6 @@ My docsets are stored in .docsets for ease of use
(wttrin (shell-command-to-string "pass location"))))
-** Custom functionality
-*** Code
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- :leader
- :prefix "c"
- :desc "Fold all in level" "f" 'hs-hide-level
- )
-*** Books
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- :leader
- :desc "Open folder" "B" '(lambda () (interactive) (dired "~/Text/Books"))
- )
-*** Download Items
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
-(defun oreodave/request-json-fn (url)
- (set-process-sentinel
- (start-process-shell-command "request-json" "*request-json*" (format "curl %s" url))
- (lambda (process event)
- (when (memq (process-status process) '(exit stop))
- (message "Request finished")
- (with-current-buffer "*request-json*"
- (json-mode)
- (json-mode-beautify))))))
-(defun oreodave/request-json ()
- (interactive)
- (oreodave/request-json-fn (read-string "Enter url: "))
- )
-Download JSON easily and be able to get responses quickly.
-*** Themes
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
-(setq oreodave/aesthetics/list '(doom-molokai doom-peacock doom-solarized-dark))
-(setq oreodave/aesthetics/index 2)
-(load-theme (nth oreodave/aesthetics/index oreodave/aesthetics/list))
-(defun oreodave/aesthetics/next-theme ()
- (interactive)
- (cond ((= 2 oreodave/aesthetics/index) (setq oreodave/aesthetics/index 0))
- (t (setq oreodave/aesthetics/index (+ oreodave/aesthetics/index 1))))
- (load-theme (nth oreodave/aesthetics/index oreodave/aesthetics/list)))
- :leader
- :prefix ("a" . "+aesthetics")
- :desc "Load themes" "a" 'load-theme
- :desc "Next default theme" "n" 'oreodave/aesthetics/next-theme
- )
-- I want to have similar functionality to spacemacs: a way to switch themes
- easily and quickly
-*** Frame management
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- :leader
- :prefix ("F" . "Frame") ; Literally the first free prefix I could think of
- :desc "Kill frame" "d" 'delete-frame
- :desc "Make current buffer frame" "m" 'make-frame
- :desc "Choose buffer to make frame" "n" 'display-buffer-other-frame
- :desc "Switch frames" "o" 'other-frame
- )
-- This is my config for handling new frames
-- I've only recently found out about them, they're incredibly powerful tools
- that I should've put in my toolbox a LONG time ago
-*** Font size
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
- :leader
- :prefix ("z" . "Font") ; using this prefix due to spacemacs
- :desc "Increase font" "+" 'doom/increase-font-size
- :desc "Decreease font" "-" 'doom/decrease-font-size
- :desc "Adjust font" "z" 'text-scale-adjust
- )
-*** Custom functions
-#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
-(defun oreodave/reload ()
- (interactive)
- (load-file (concat doom-private-dir "config.el"))
- )
** Languages
*** C-style
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
@@ -379,3 +293,91 @@ each of the unit tests ran."
I like using the org dispatch facilities more than the default export keybinds
in Doom, so I need this binding
+** Meta/Custom other stuff
+*** Code
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+ :leader
+ :prefix "c"
+ :desc "Fold all in level" "f" 'hs-hide-level
+ (:after format-all
+ :desc "Format code universally" "=" 'format-all-buffer)
+ )
+*** Books
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+ :leader
+ :desc "Open folder" "B" '(lambda () (interactive) (dired "~/Text/Books"))
+ )
+*** Download Items
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+(defun oreodave/request-json-fn (url)
+ (set-process-sentinel
+ (start-process-shell-command "request-json" "*request-json*" (format "curl %s" url))
+ (lambda (process event)
+ (when (memq (process-status process) '(exit stop))
+ (message "Request finished")
+ (with-current-buffer "*request-json*"
+ (json-mode)
+ (json-mode-beautify))))))
+(defun oreodave/request-json ()
+ (interactive)
+ (oreodave/request-json-fn (read-string "Enter url: "))
+ )
+Download JSON easily and be able to get responses quickly.
+*** Themes
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+(setq oreodave/aesthetics/list '(doom-molokai doom-peacock doom-solarized-dark))
+(setq oreodave/aesthetics/index 2)
+(load-theme (nth oreodave/aesthetics/index oreodave/aesthetics/list))
+(defun oreodave/aesthetics/next-theme ()
+ (interactive)
+ (cond ((= 2 oreodave/aesthetics/index) (setq oreodave/aesthetics/index 0))
+ (t (setq oreodave/aesthetics/index (+ oreodave/aesthetics/index 1))))
+ (load-theme (nth oreodave/aesthetics/index oreodave/aesthetics/list)))
+ :leader
+ :prefix ("a" . "+aesthetics")
+ :desc "Load themes" "a" 'load-theme
+ :desc "Next default theme" "n" 'oreodave/aesthetics/next-theme
+ )
+- I want to have similar functionality to spacemacs: a way to switch themes
+ easily and quickly
+*** Frame management
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+ :leader
+ :prefix ("F" . "Frame") ; Literally the first free prefix I could think of
+ :desc "Kill frame" "d" 'delete-frame
+ :desc "Make current buffer frame" "m" 'make-frame
+ :desc "Choose buffer to make frame" "n" 'display-buffer-other-frame
+ :desc "Switch frames" "o" 'other-frame
+ )
+- This is my config for handling new frames
+- I've only recently found out about them, they're incredibly powerful tools
+ that I should've put in my toolbox a LONG time ago
+*** Font size
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+ :leader
+ :prefix ("z" . "Font") ; using this prefix due to spacemacs
+ :desc "Increase font" "+" 'doom/increase-font-size
+ :desc "Decreease font" "-" 'doom/decrease-font-size
+ :desc "Adjust font" "z" 'text-scale-adjust
+ )
+*** Custom functions
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+(defun oreodave/reload ()
+ (interactive)
+ (load-file (concat doom-private-dir "config.el"))
+ )