path: root/doom.d/modules
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doom.d/modules')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/doom.d/modules/config.org b/doom.d/modules/config.org
index c82d420..2be6a3a 100644
--- a/doom.d/modules/config.org
+++ b/doom.d/modules/config.org
@@ -41,6 +41,10 @@ Some quality of life things and others that I couldn't really put in one categor
* Package Config
** Projectile
+Really simple, just want to set projectile-tags-command when projectile has
+loaded, and easily add new ignores if necessary. Add a new ignore to the tags-alist.
+Add a few items to the projectile-root-files list
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(after! projectile
(setq oreodave-tags-alist '("Makefile" "node_modules" "bin" "dist" "obj" "'*.json'"))
@@ -53,12 +57,11 @@ Some quality of life things and others that I couldn't really put in one categor
(cl-pushnew "README.org" projectile-project-root-files :test #'string=)
(cl-pushnew "doc.org" projectile-project-root-files :test #'string=))
-Really simple, just want to set projectile-tags-command when projectile has
-loaded, and easily add new ignores if necessary. Add a new ignore to the tags-alist.
-Add a few items to the projectile-root-files list
** DAP
+A keybind and a routine
+- Routine sets up the panes that I like to use, instead of having to M-x'ing it
+- *<SPC>cD* starts up the routine
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(after! dap-mode
(defun oreodave/debug ()
@@ -70,12 +73,9 @@ Add a few items to the projectile-root-files list
:desc "Start debugging setup" "cD" #'oreodave/debug))
-A keybind and a routine
-- Routine sets up the panes that I like to use, instead of having to M-x'ing it
-- *<SPC>cD* starts up the routine
** Elfeed
+Custom functions to work with elfeed, generating new feeds on demand and adding
+a keybind to help with that.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(after! elfeed
(defun oreodave/elfeed/load-feeds ()
@@ -105,6 +105,10 @@ A keybind and a routine
:after-call (pre-command-hook))
** Dashboard
+My very own dashboard config using doom dashboard, with these features:
+- Custom load message
+- Custom splash image and dashboard buffer name
+- Custom dashboard sections for myself
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(defun doom-display-benchmark-h (&optional return-p)
"Display a benchmark, showing number of packages and modules, and how quickly
@@ -150,6 +154,7 @@ If RETURN-P, return the message as a string instead of displaying it."
- Weather
* Language Config
** C-style languages
+Emacs doesn't have the full range of styles that I want, so lemme just do it myself.
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(after! cc-mode
(c-add-style "Allman"
@@ -290,6 +295,9 @@ each of the unit tests ran."
written as some public void *name* _Test (i.e. they are appended with _Test so
that the pattern can be matched)
** Python
+- I do python development for Python3, so I need to set the flycheck python checker, as well as the interpreter, to be Python3
+- Most of my python work is in scripts or ideas, so I don't need extensive testing utilities or anything like that
+- I run my python code a LOT and thus need commands for sending bits or whole scripts into the REPL
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(after! python
(setq python-version-checked t)
@@ -307,10 +315,9 @@ each of the unit tests ran."
:desc "Send buffer" "b" #'python-shell-send-buffer
:desc "Send function" "f" #'python-shell-send-defun)))
-- I do python development for Python3, so I need to set the flycheck python checker, as well as the interpreter, to be Python3
-- Most of my python work is in scripts or ideas, so I don't need extensive testing utilities or anything like that
-- I run my python code a LOT and thus need commands for sending bits or whole scripts into the REPL
** TypeScript
+- Typescript (in my opinion) should be indented by 2
+- Setup the LSP server on the lsp-language-id-config in case it hasn't already
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(after! typescript-mode
(setq typescript-indent-level 2)
@@ -323,8 +330,6 @@ each of the unit tests ran."
:major-modes '(typescript-mode)
:server-id 'typescript))))
-- Typescript (in my opinion) should be indented by 2
-- Setup the LSP server on the lsp-language-id-config in case it hasn't already
* Keymap
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp