path: root/doom.d/modules/config.org
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doom.d/modules/config.org')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/doom.d/modules/config.org b/doom.d/modules/config.org
index 8a263f3..9b5ed5d 100644
--- a/doom.d/modules/config.org
+++ b/doom.d/modules/config.org
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ Load the literate.el file to start parsing.
(setq truncate-lines t)
(setq display-line-numbers-type nil)
(setq bookmark-default-file (expand-file-name (concat doom-private-dir "/bookmarks")))
-(display-battery-mode 1)
(setq-default frame-title-format '("%b - εmacs"))
(cl-pushnew '("Libgen" "http://gen.lib.rus.ec/search.php?req=%s") +lookup-provider-url-alist :key #'car :test 'string=)
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@ Some quality of life things and others that I couldn't really put in one categor
open them with *<SPC>tl*.
- Set org directory
- Add libgen to search providers
-- Looking at my battery percentage isn't very necessary but still really cool
* Package Config
** Projectile
Really simple, just want to set projectile-tags-command when projectile has
@@ -147,21 +145,6 @@ If RETURN-P, return the message as a string instead of displaying it."
- Added my own menu items:
- Books
- Weather
-** Ivy posframe
-Set-up config for ivy-posframe, particularly for positions
-#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
-(after! ivy-posframe
- (setq ivy-posframe-display-functions-alist
- '((counsel-M-x . ivy-posframe-display-at-frame-bottom-window-center)
- (counsel-find-file . ivy-posframe-display-at-frame-bottom-window-center)
- (swiper . ivy-posframe-display-at-frame-bottom-window-center)
- (swiper-isearch . ivy-posframe-display-at-frame-bottom-window-center)
- (counsel-projectile-switch-to-buffer . ivy-posframe-display-at-frame-bottom-window-center)
- (ivy-switch-buffer . ivy-posframe-display-at-frame-bottom-window-center)
- (counsel-load-theme . ivy-posframe-display-at-frame-bottom-window-center)
- (oreodave/themes/set-new-theme . ivy-posframe-display-at-frame-bottom-window-center)
- (counsel-bookmark . ivy-posframe-display-at-frame-bottom-window-center))))
* Language Config
** C-style languages
Emacs doesn't have the full range of styles that I want, so lemme just do it myself.