path: root/Doom/.doom.d/org
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Doom/.doom.d/org')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/Doom/.doom.d/org/config.org b/Doom/.doom.d/org/config.org
index d7d900f..f17b160 100644
--- a/Doom/.doom.d/org/config.org
+++ b/Doom/.doom.d/org/config.org
@@ -111,20 +111,6 @@ the interactive menu as well.
:icon (all-the-icons-octicon "bookmark" :face 'font-lock-keyword-face)
:action bookmark-jump)))
-** Thesaurus
-Powerthesaurus installation, added a keybind in org-mode for looking up words.
-#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
-(use-package! powerthesaurus
- :after-call (org-mode)
- :defer-incrementally (org)
- :config
- (map!
- :localleader
- :map org-mode-map
- :prefix "w"
- :desc "Thesaurus" "t" #'powerthesaurus-lookup-word-at-point))
-Powerthesaurus for thesaurus on writer files
** Spelling checker
Keybinds to org-mode for flyspell package
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
@@ -403,6 +389,20 @@ Setup the agenda-files and the org-directory.
org-superstar-headline-bullets-list '("◉" "‣" "⧈" "⬠")
org-log-repeat 'note))
+*** Thesaurus
+Powerthesaurus installation, added a keybind in org-mode for looking up words.
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+(use-package! powerthesaurus
+ :after-call (org-mode)
+ :defer-incrementally (org)
+ :config
+ (map!
+ :localleader
+ :map org-mode-map
+ :prefix "w"
+ :desc "Thesaurus" "t" #'powerthesaurus-lookup-word-at-point))
+Powerthesaurus for thesaurus on writer files
*** Org keymap
- I like using org-export often, so bind it to a primary bind.
- Loading latex fragments is nice