path: root/Emacs/.config/emacs/config.org
diff options
authorAryadev Chavali <aryadev@aryadevchavali.com>2024-06-11 17:54:30 +0100
committerAryadev Chavali <aryadev@aryadevchavali.com>2024-06-11 18:09:24 +0100
commitebe69ceb21b4ddce5f820a28329bbecfcf492ca5 (patch)
tree5e590ec669d736b834e28aba729a9462236c68dd /Emacs/.config/emacs/config.org
parent19619813d1fa956f2970ae058c70d49e0c1b28ac (diff)
(Emacs/config)~Moved bookmark config under org-mode
It is called org-bookmark, after all.
Diffstat (limited to 'Emacs/.config/emacs/config.org')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/Emacs/.config/emacs/config.org b/Emacs/.config/emacs/config.org
index cacc333..dd97c2c 100644
--- a/Emacs/.config/emacs/config.org
+++ b/Emacs/.config/emacs/config.org
@@ -1552,21 +1552,6 @@ directories particularly efficiently.
"P" #'+search/find-file
"S" #'+search/search-all))
-** Bookmarks
-I maintain a bookmarks file at =~/Text/bookmarks.org=. I would like
-the ability to construct new bookmarks and open bookmarks. They may
-be either articles I want to read, useful information documents or
-just straight up youtube videos. This
-[[file:elisp/org-bookmark.el][library]] does the appropriate dispatching
-and work for me.
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp
-(use-package org-bookmark
- :load-path "elisp/"
- :general
- (file-leader
- "b" #'+bookmark/open-bookmark))
* Applications
Emacs is basically an operating system whose primary datatype is text.
Applications are interfaces/environments which serve a variety of
@@ -3191,12 +3176,7 @@ what org-capture does.
(file "")
"* TODO %?
- ("b" "Bookmark" entry
- (file "bookmarks.org")
- "* %? :bookmark:
"C" #'org-capture)
@@ -3361,6 +3341,36 @@ default asterisks.
:defer t
:hook (org-mode-hook . org-superstar-mode))
+** Org bookmark
+I maintain a bookmarks file at =~/Text/bookmarks.org=. I would like
+the ability to construct new bookmarks and open bookmarks. They may
+be either articles I want to read, useful information documents or
+just straight up youtube videos. So I wrote a
+[[file:elisp/org-bookmark.el][library]] myself which does the
+appropriate dispatching and work for me. Pretty sweet!
+Also I define a template for org-capture here for bookmarks and add it
+to the list ~org-capture-templates~.
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(use-package org-bookmark
+ :defer t
+ :load-path "elisp/"
+ :general
+ (file-leader
+ "b" #'+bookmark/open-bookmark)
+ :init
+ (with-eval-after-load "org-capture"
+ (add-to-list
+ 'org-capture-templates
+ '("b" "Bookmark" entry
+ (file "bookmarks.org")
+ "* %? :bookmark:
+ ))))
* Languages
For a variety of (programming) languages Emacs comes with default
modes but this configures them as well as pulls any modes Emacs