path: root/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private
diff options
authordx <aryadevchavali1@gmail.com>2020-07-15 15:56:08 +0100
committerdx <aryadevchavali1@gmail.com>2020-07-15 15:57:09 +0100
commit6bdf6db3b453cff3a3f46f1b8f33cac6426f98ac (patch)
treeb13c110ee1e64abfc19126085b08bace6a42d14c /Doom/.config/doom/modules/private
parent33edf2cf6d1a2d653ca268ad272eb8f4f30380ef (diff)
~~/.doom.d -> ~/.config/doom
Diffstat (limited to 'Doom/.config/doom/modules/private')
17 files changed, 481 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/bindings/README.org b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/bindings/README.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90d1b55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/bindings/README.org
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+#+TITLE: private/bindings Literate configuration
+#+PROPERTY: header-args(elisp) :tangle config.el
+* Introduction
+This is the main document for this module (=private/bindings=).
+To compile, simply execute the source code block below
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp :tangle no
+(org-babel-tangle-file "README.org" "config.el")
+* Initial
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+;;; private/bindings/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+* Leader
+Bindings for the leader map
+** Single binds
+These are immediate bindings to the leader map that instantly launch functions when pressed.
+This binding space is reserved for stuff I use quite often.
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+ :leader
+ "SPC" #'execute-extended-command
+ "!" #'async-shell-command
+ "T" #'eshell
+ "-" #'dired-jump
+ "_" #'dired-jump-other-window
+ ";" #'eval-expression
+ "h" #'help-command
+ "w" #'ace-window)
+** Files
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+ :leader
+ :prefix "f"
+ "r" #'counsel-recentf
+ "f" #'find-file
+ "p" #'(lambda () (interactive) (doom-project-find-file "~/Dotfiles"))
+ "s" #'save-buffer
+ "d" #'dired)
+** Buffers
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+ :leader
+ :prefix "b"
+ "n" #'next-buffer
+ "p" #'previous-buffer
+ "d" #'kill-current-buffer
+ "b" #'switch-to-buffer
+ "i" #'ibuffer)
+** Search
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+ :leader
+ :prefix "s"
+ "i" #'imenu
+ "o" #'+lookup/online
+ (:after counsel
+ "s" #'swiper
+ "r" #'counsel-rg)
+ (:after counsel-etags
+ "t" #'counsel-etags-find-tag))
+** Projectile
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+ :leader
+ :after projectile
+ :desc "Switch to p-buffer" ">" #'projectile-switch-to-buffer
+ :desc "Projects" "p" #'projectile-switch-project
+ (:prefix ("p" . "project")
+ :desc "Regen tags" "g" #'projectile-regenerate-tags
+ :desc "Open project files" "f" #'projectile-find-file))
+** Code
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+ :leader
+ :prefix ("c" . "code") ; Code
+ :desc "Compile" "c" #'compile
+ :desc "Compile via make" "m" #'+make/run
+ :desc "Undo tree" "u" #'undo-tree-visualize
+ (:after lsp
+ :desc "Format code lsp" "f" #'+default/lsp-format-region-or-buffer
+ :desc "Execute action" "a" #'lsp-execute-code-action))
+** Magit and VC
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+ :leader
+ :prefix "g"
+ "g" #'magit-status
+ "c" #'magit-clone
+ "f" #'magit-fetch
+ "p" #'magit-pull)
+** Notes
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+ :leader
+ :prefix ("n" . "notes")
+ :desc "Open notes in dired" "-" #'(lambda () (interactive) (dired org-directory))
+ :desc "Open quicknotes" "q" #'(lambda () (interactive) (find-file (format "%s/qnotes.org" org-directory))))
+** Frames
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+ :leader
+ :prefix "F"
+ "d" #'delete-frame)
+* Company
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+ :after company
+ :map company-active-map
+ "C-j" #'company-select-next
+ "C-k" #'company-select-previous
+ "C-SPC" #'company-complete)
+* Multi cursors
+Setup bindings for multi cursors.
+As it's a motion based system, use the "gz" namespace.
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+ :prefix "g"
+ (:prefix "z"
+ "m" #'evil-mc-resume-cursors
+ "p" #'evil-mc-pause-cursors
+ "d" #'evil-mc-make-all-cursors
+ "j" #'evil-mc-make-cursor-move-next-line
+ "k" #'evil-mc-make-cursor-move-prev-line
+ "z" #'evil-mc-make-cursor-at-pos))
+* Quit
+Quit Emacs or restart it
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+ :prefix "q"
+ "q" #'save-buffers-kill-terminal
+ "r" #'doom/restart)
+* Remaps
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+ [remap org-goto] #'counsel-org-goto)
+* Misc
+Misc bindings that don't fit to any other category.
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+ "C-x C-z" #'text-scale-adjust
+ "TAB" #'evil-jump-item
+ "M-c" #'count-words-region
+ "M-s" #'occur)
diff --git a/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/completion/config.el b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/completion/config.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29d1ee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/completion/config.el
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+;;; private/completion/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+ :map icomplete-minibuffer-map
+ ;; unbind anything I want to use for useful stuff
+ "C-j" nil
+ "C-k" nil
+ "C-b" nil
+ "TAB" nil
+ "C-j" #'icomplete-forward-completions
+ "C-k" #'icomplete-backward-completions
+ "C-n" #'icomplete-forward-completions
+ "C-p" #'icomplete-backward-completions
+ "TAB" #'icomplete-force-complete
+ "C-b" #'completions)
+(setq icomplete-separator "\t|\t")
+(setq icomplete-in-buffer t)
+(add-hook 'doom-first-input-hook #'icomplete-mode)
diff --git a/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/gentemplate/README.org b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/gentemplate/README.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c09f20e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/gentemplate/README.org
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#+TITLE: private/gentemplate
+#+DATE: March 17, 2020
+* Description
+This module allows users to clone templates from my Github to specific machines.
+These templates allow for quick and easy setup for languages or frameworks where
+this sort of thing isn't very nice to do (for example C++).
+This module is used through the main function =+gentemplate/generate-template=.
+It will ask what template you want to use then where to put it, finally doing
+the necessary work to get you that template. You may mutate the variables
+=+gentemplate/template-list= and =+gentemplate/profile-url= to customise your
+* Prerequisites
+- git
+* Requirements
+- ivy
+- magit
+- cl
diff --git a/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/gentemplate/config.el b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/gentemplate/config.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d843cc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/gentemplate/config.el
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+;;; private/gentemplate/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(defvar +gentemplate/profile-url
+ "https://github.com/oreodave/"
+ "Profile to download templates from on github.")
+(defvar +gentemplate/template-list
+ (list "CTemplate" "CPPTemplate" "PythonTemplate" "NodeTemplate" "ArduinoTemplate" "JavaTemplate")
+ "List of templates to use, relative to the profile-url")
+(defun +gentemplate/offline ()
+ (eq (cl-list-length (network-interface-list)) 1))
+(defun +gentemplate/copy-template (template-name dest)
+ "Copy a template project via it's `template-name' to a folder called `dest'"
+ (copy-directory (expand-file-name (concat "~/Code/Templates/" template-name)) dest))
+(after! (ivy magit-clone)
+ (defun +gentemplate/download-template (template-name dest)
+ "Download a given template via its `template-name' to the `dest' folder"
+ (magit-clone-regular (concat +gentemplate/profile-url template-name) dest nil))
+ (defun +gentemplate/generate-template ()
+ (interactive)
+ (ivy-read
+ "Enter template: "
+ +gentemplate/template-list
+ :action
+ (lambda (template-name)
+ (let ((dir (read-directory-name "Enter directory to download to: "))
+ (offline (+gentemplate/offline)))
+ (if offline
+ (+gentemplate/copy-template template-name dir)
+ (+gentemplate/download-template template-name dir)))))))
diff --git a/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/narrow/README.org b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/narrow/README.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c767cb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/narrow/README.org
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#+TITLE: private/narrow
+#+DATE: May 10, 2020
+* Description
+Minimal configuration for narrowing to function.
+* Prerequisites
+* Requirements
diff --git a/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/narrow/config.el b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/narrow/config.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9afd513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/narrow/config.el
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+;;; private/narrow/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+(defvar +narrow/narrow-state 't "To narrow or not to narrow. Flips between t and nil")
+(defun +narrow/toggle-narrow-state ()
+ "Toggle the state of +narrow/narrow-state between 't and 'nil"
+ (if (= +narrow/narrow-state 't)
+ (setq +narrow/narrow-state nil)
+ (setq +narrow/narrow-state 't)))
+(defun +narrow/toggle-narrow ()
+ (interactive)
+ (cond ((+narrow/narrow-state) (narrow-to-defun) (+narrow/toggle-narrow-state))
+ (t (widen))))
diff --git a/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/ocaml/README.org b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/ocaml/README.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de29e59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/ocaml/README.org
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#+TITLE: private/ocaml
+#+DATE: March 29, 2020
+* Description
+My own ocaml module. Has LSP support, which is well defined.
+Pretty minimalist and allows for quick coding. Uses the terminal a lot so I'd
+suggest using vterm as well for quick access to the terminal.
+* Prerequisites
+- ocaml compiler
+- opam
+- ocamllsp (from opam) (if LSP)
+* Requirements
+- lsp
+- tuareg
+- utop
diff --git a/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/ocaml/config.el b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/ocaml/config.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df138ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/ocaml/config.el
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+;;; private/ocaml/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+(use-package! utop
+ :config
+ (map!
+ :localleader
+ :map tuareg-mode-map
+ :desc "Repl" "c" #'utop
+ (:prefix ("e" . "eval")
+ :desc "Buffer" "b" #'utop-eval-buffer
+ :desc "Region" "r" #'utop-eval-region)))
+(when (featurep! +lsp)
+ (after! lsp
+ (lsp-register-client
+ (make-lsp-client :new-connection (lsp-stdio-connection "ocamllsp")
+ :major-modes '(tuareg-mode)
+ :server-id 'ocaml-lsp))
+ (add-hook 'tuareg-mode-hook #'lsp!)))
diff --git a/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/ocaml/packages.el b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/ocaml/packages.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61f1c8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/ocaml/packages.el
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
+;;; private/ocaml/packages.el
+(package! tuareg)
+(package! utop)
diff --git a/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/oreoline/README.org b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/oreoline/README.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57b24e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/oreoline/README.org
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#+TITLE: private/oreoline
+#+DATE: March 29, 2020
+* Description
+My very own modeline. Minimalist, isn't particularly fancy but does the job.
+Uses telephone line with some configuration. Has support for a light version as well.
+Has LSP support as well as evil support (can present evil modes and LSP mode).
+* Prerequisites
+* Requirements
+- telephone line
+- evil-anzu
diff --git a/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/oreoline/config.el b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/oreoline/config.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bc3a41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/oreoline/config.el
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+;;; ui/telephone/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+(use-package! telephone-line
+ :hook (after-init . telephone-line-mode)
+ :init
+ ;; Faces
+ (defface +oreoline-accent-dark '((t (:foreground "black" :background "Cadet Blue" ))) "")
+ (defface +oreoline-evil-dark '((t (:foreground "white" :background "dark green" ))) "")
+ (defface +oreoline-evil-inactive '((t (:foreground "cornsilk" :background "gray26" ))) "")
+ (defface +oreoline-accent-light '((t (:foreground "black" :background "Light Slate Grey"))) "")
+ (defface +oreoline-evil-light '((t (:foreground "black" :background "Sky Blue" ))) "")
+ ;; Set telephone line faces
+ (setq telephone-line-faces
+ '((evil . (+oreoline-evil-dark . +oreoline-evil-inactive))
+ (modal . telephone-line-modal-face)
+ (ryo . telephone-line-ryo-modal-face)
+ (accent . (+oreoline-accent-dark . telephone-line-accent-inactive))
+ (nil mode-line . mode-line-inactive)))
+ (when (featurep! +light)
+ (setq telephone-line-faces
+ '((evil . (+oreoline-evil-light . +oreoline-evil-inactive))
+ (modal . telephone-line-modal-face)
+ (ryo . telephone-line-ryo-modal-face)
+ (accent . (+oreoline-accent-light . telephone-line-accent-inactive))
+ (nil mode-line . mode-line-inactive))))
+ ;; Seperators
+ (setq telephone-line-primary-left-separator 'telephone-line-abs-left
+ telephone-line-secondary-left-separator 'telephone-line-identity-hollow-left
+ telephone-line-primary-right-separator 'telephone-line-abs-right
+ telephone-line-secondary-right-separator 'telephone-line-identity-hollow-right)
+ ;; LSP segment
+ (telephone-line-defsegment +oreoline-lsp-segment ()
+ (if (bound-and-true-p lsp-mode)
+ (propertize "")
+ (propertize "")))
+ ;; Visual line check
+ (telephone-line-defsegment +oreoline-visual-segment ()
+ (if mark-active
+ (let ((lines (count-lines (region-beginning) (region-end)))
+ (chars (- (region-end) (region-beginning))))
+ (if (< lines 2)
+ (propertize (format "%sC" chars))
+ (propertize (format "%sL %sC" lines chars))))
+ (propertize "~")))
+ (setq
+ ;; LHS
+ telephone-line-lhs
+ '((evil . (telephone-line-evil-tag-segment
+ telephone-line-buffer-modified-segment))
+ (accent . (telephone-line-filesize-segment
+ telephone-line-buffer-name-segment
+ telephone-line-erc-modified-channels-segment
+ telephone-line-process-segment))
+ (nil . ()))
+ ;; RHS
+ telephone-line-rhs
+ '((nil . (telephone-line-misc-info-segment))
+ (accent . (telephone-line-vc-segment
+ +oreoline-lsp-segment
+ telephone-line-major-mode-segment
+ telephone-line-flycheck-segment))
+ (modal . (+oreoline-visual-segment))
+ (evil . (telephone-line-airline-position-segment))))
+ :config
+ (size-indication-mode +1))
+(use-package! evil-anzu
+ :after-call evil-ex-start-search evil-ex-start-word-search evil-ex-search-activate-highlight)
diff --git a/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/oreoline/packages.el b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/oreoline/packages.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9479896
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/oreoline/packages.el
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
+;;; ui/telephone/packages.el
+(package! telephone-line)
+(package! evil-anzu)
diff --git a/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/rss/README.org b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/rss/README.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a025d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/rss/README.org
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#+TITLE: private/rss
+#+DATE: May 2, 2020
+* Description
+This module allows the manipulation and usage of the /newsticker/ system. This is a nice RSS reader inbuilt to Emacs.
+Use =+rss/set-feed-urls= to set the urls for use in newsticker. Bind
+=+rss/open-newsticker= =+rss/close-newsticker= to appropriate bindings.
+* Prerequisites
+* Requirements
+- cl-lib
+- newsticker
diff --git a/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/rss/config.el b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/rss/config.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d8468a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/rss/config.el
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+;;; private/rss/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+(require 'seq)
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(defvar +rss/feed-urls '(("Arch Linux" "https://www.archlinux.org/feeds/news/" Linux)
+ ("LEMMiNO" "https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCRcgy6GzDeccI7dkbbBna3Q" YouTube)
+ ("Gamer from Mars" "https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCJ6z_yj_dDNrhn-c8ZyKV4g" YouTube)
+ ("Pop Culture Detective" "https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCHiwtz2tCEfS17N9A-WoSSw" YouTube)
+ ("Dark Sominium" "https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UC_e39rWdkQqo5-LbiLiU10g" YouTube Stories)
+ ("Dark Sominium Music" "https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCkLiZ_zLynyNd5fd62hg1Kw" YouTube Music)
+ ("Nexpo" "https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCpFFItkfZz1qz5PpHpqzYBw" YouTube)
+ ("Techquickie" "https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UC0vBXGSyV14uvJ4hECDOl0Q" YouTube)
+ ("3B1B" "https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCYO_jab_esuFRV4b17AJtAw" YouTube)))
+(when (featurep! +elfeed)
+ (after! elfeed
+ (setq elfeed-feeds (cl-map 'list (lambda (item) (append (list (nth 1 item)) (cdr (cdr item)))) +rss/feed-urls))))
+(when (featurep! +newsticker)
+ (defun +rss/set-feed-urls (LIST)
+ "Set the newsticker-url-list to LIST. LIST should have format =(TAG URL START_TIME INTERVAL)="
+ (setq newsticker-url-list LIST))
+ (defun +rss/get-newsticker-buffers ()
+ "Using seq, filter the buffer list for newsticker buffers"
+ (seq-remove (lambda (buffer)
+ (not (and (cl-search "*Newsticker" (buffer-name buffer))
+ (= (cl-search "*Newsticker" (buffer-name buffer))))))
+ (buffer-list)))
+ (defun +rss/close-newsticker()
+ "Routine to close the newsticker system"
+ (interactive)
+ (newsticker-stop)
+ (dolist (buf (+rss/get-newsticker-buffers))
+ (kill-buffer buf))
+ (+workspace/delete "RSS"))
+ (use-package! newsticker
+ :config
+ (+rss/set-feed-urls ; Format is =(TAG URL START_TIME INTERVAL)=
+ (cl-map 'list (lambda (item) (list (nth 0 item) (nth 1 item) nil 3600)) +rss/feed-urls))
+ (defun +rss/open-newsticker ()
+ "Routine to start and open the newsticker"
+ (interactive)
+ (newsticker-start)
+ (+workspace/new "RSS")
+ (newsticker-treeview))))
diff --git a/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/rss/packages.el b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/rss/packages.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59d7afe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/rss/packages.el
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+;; -*- no-byte-compile: t; -*-
+;;; private/rss/packages.el
+(package! elfeed)
diff --git a/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/startup/README.org b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/startup/README.org
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68b4376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/startup/README.org
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#+TITLE: private/startup
+#+DATE: July 15, 2020
+* Description
+Basically setup the default Emacs mode-line and the scratch buffer for ease of use.
+This replaces the =modeline= and =doom-dashboard= modules as it leverages the default Emacs utilities.
+* Prerequisites
+Emacs of some kind, preferably 27 just for the sake of preserving versioning.
+* Requirements
diff --git a/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/startup/config.el b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/startup/config.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48c4f5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Doom/.config/doom/modules/private/startup/config.el
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+;;; private/startup/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
+(defun +startup/create-scratch-message ()
+ "Generate a string for the scratch buffer"
+ (format "Welcome to Emacs! (。◕‿◕。)
+Load time was %s
+Time of startup: %s"
+ (emacs-init-time)
+ (current-time-string (current-time))))
+(add-hook 'doom-first-input-hook
+ #'(lambda ()
+ (setq-default mode-line-format (list "%l:%c %P \t %+%b(" '(:eval (format "%s" major-mode)) ") \t %I \t" vc-mode mode-line-end-spaces))
+ (setq-default initial-scratch-message (+startup/create-scratch-message))))