diff options
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2022/puzzle-11.lisp b/2022/puzzle-11.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a55a96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2022/puzzle-11.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+(load "lib")
+(defparameter input (uiop:read-file-string "11-input"))
+(defparameter lines (get-lines input))
+(defun lines->segments (lines)
+ (--> (split-by-completely lines "" #'string=)
+ (mapcar (lambda (x)
+ (--> (loop for i in x
+ collect
+ (string-trim '(#\Space) i))))
+ it)))
+(defun segment->monkey (segment)
+ (destructuring-bind (name starting op test clause-1 clause-2) segment
+ (declare (ignore name))
+ `(:items
+ ,(--> (subseq starting 16)
+ (string-to-clist it)
+ (split-by-completely it #\,)
+ (mapcar (lambda (lst)
+ (--> (clist-to-string lst)
+ (string-trim '(#\Space) it)
+ (parse-integer it)))
+ it))
+ :inspect
+ ,(--> (subseq op 21)
+ (format nil "(~a old)" it)
+ (with-input-from-string (s it)
+ (read s))
+ (eval `(lambda (old) ,it)))
+ :test
+ ,(let ((test (parse-integer (subseq test 19)))
+ (clause-1 (parse-integer (subseq clause-1 25)))
+ (clause-2 (parse-integer (subseq clause-2 26))))
+ (lambda (n)
+ (if (= (mod n test) 0)
+ clause-1
+ clause-2)))
+ :divisor ,(parse-integer (subseq test 19)))))
+(defmacro get-monkey (monkeys ind)
+ `(nth ,ind ,monkeys))
+(defmacro get-monkey-items (monkeys ind)
+ `(getf (get-monkey ,monkeys ,ind) :items))
+(defun monkey-increment-alist (monkey-alist monkey-ind)
+ (setf (cdr (assoc monkey-ind monkey-alist))
+ (+ 1 (cdr (assoc monkey-ind monkey-alist)))))
+(defun monkey-send-item (monkeys item recipient)
+ (setf (get-monkey-items monkeys recipient)
+ (append (get-monkey-items monkeys recipient)
+ (list item))))
+(defun monkey-process-item (inspect item)
+ (floor (/ (funcall inspect item) 3)))
+(defun monkey-do-turn (monkeys monkey-alist monkey-ind)
+ (let* ((monkey (nth monkey-ind monkeys))
+ (items (getf monkey :items))
+ (inspect (getf monkey :inspect))
+ (test (getf monkey :test)))
+ (loop for item in items
+ for proper-item = (monkey-process-item inspect item)
+ for recipient = (funcall test proper-item)
+ do (monkey-send-item monkeys proper-item recipient)
+ do (monkey-increment-alist monkey-alist monkey-ind))
+ (setf (get-monkey-items monkeys monkey-ind) nil)
+ monkeys))
+(defun monkeys-do-round (monkeys monkey-alist)
+ (loop for monkey in monkeys
+ for i from 0
+ do (monkey-do-turn monkeys monkey-alist i)))
+(defun monkey-business (monkey-alist)
+ (--> (lambda (x y) (> (cdr x) (cdr y)))
+ (sort monkey-alist it)
+ (subseq it 0 2)
+ (mapcar #'cdr it)
+ (reduce #'* it)))
+(let* ((monkeys (--> (lines->segments lines)
+ (mapcar #'segment->monkey it)))
+ (monkey-alist (loop for monkey in monkeys
+ for i from 0
+ collect `(,i . 0))))
+ (loop for i from 1 to 20
+ do (monkeys-do-round monkeys monkey-alist))
+ (format t "Round 1: ~a~%" (monkey-business monkey-alist)))
+(defvar *monkey-divisor* nil)
+(defun monkey-process-item (inspect item)
+ (mod (funcall inspect item) *monkey-divisor*))
+(let* ((monkeys (--> (lines->segments lines)
+ (mapcar #'segment->monkey it)))
+ (monkey-alist (loop for monkey in monkeys
+ for i from 0
+ collect `(,i . 0))))
+ ;; To ensure we don't go too hard.
+ (setq *monkey-divisor* (reduce #'*
+ (loop for monkey in monkeys
+ for divisor = (getf monkey :divisor)
+ collect divisor)))
+ (loop for i from 1 to 10000
+ do (monkeys-do-round monkeys monkey-alist))
+ (format t "Round 2: ~a~%" (monkey-business monkey-alist)))