/* Copyright (C) 2024 Aryadev Chavali * You may distribute and modify this code under the terms of the GPLv2 * license. You should have received a copy of the GPLv2 license with * this file. If not, please write to: aryadev@aryadevchavali.com. * Created: 2024-04-14 * Author: Aryadev Chavali * Description: Lexer for assembly language */ #include #include #include #include "./lexer.hpp" using std::string, std::string_view, std::pair, std::make_pair; constexpr auto VALID_SYMBOL = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV" "WXYZ0123456789-_.:()%#$", VALID_DIGIT = "0123456789"; bool is_char_in_s(char c, const char *s) { return string_view(s).find(c) != string::npos; } bool initial_match(string_view src, string_view match) { return (src.size() > match.size() && src.substr(0, match.size()) == match); } pair tokenise_symbol(string_view &source, size_t &column) { auto end = source.find_first_not_of(VALID_SYMBOL); if (end == string::npos) end = source.size() - 1; string sym{source.substr(0, end)}; source.remove_prefix(end); std::transform(sym.begin(), sym.end(), sym.begin(), ::toupper); token_t t{}; if (initial_match(sym, "%CONST")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::PP_CONST, sym.substr(6)); } else if (sym == "%USE") { t.type = token_type_t::PP_USE; } else if (sym == "%END") { t.type = token_type_t::PP_END; } else if (sym[0] == '%') { return make_pair(t, lerr_t::INVALID_PREPROCESSOR_DIRECTIVE); } else if (sym.size() > 1 && sym[0] == '$') { t = token_t(token_type_t::PP_REFERENCE, sym.substr(1)); } else if (sym == "NOOP") { t.type = token_type_t::NOOP; } else if (sym == "HALT") { t.type = token_type_t::HALT; } else if (initial_match(sym, "PUSH.REG.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::PUSH_REG, sym.substr(9)); } else if (initial_match(sym, "PUSH.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::PUSH, sym.substr(5)); } else if (initial_match(sym, "POP.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::POP, sym.substr(4)); } else if (initial_match(sym, "MOV.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::MOV, sym.substr(4)); } else if (initial_match(sym, "DUP.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::DUP, sym.substr(4)); } else if (initial_match(sym, "MALLOC.STACK.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::MALLOC_STACK, sym.substr(13)); } else if (initial_match(sym, "MALLOC.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::MALLOC, sym.substr(7)); } else if (initial_match(sym, "MSET.STACK.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::MSET_STACK, sym.substr(11)); } else if (initial_match(sym, "MSET.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::MSET, sym.substr(5)); } else if (initial_match(sym, "MGET.STACK.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::MGET_STACK, sym.substr(11)); } else if (initial_match(sym, "MGET.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::MGET, sym.substr(5)); } else if (sym == "MDELETE") { t.type = token_type_t::MDELETE; } else if (sym == "MSIZE") { t.type = token_type_t::MSIZE; } else if (initial_match(sym, "NOT.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::NOT, sym.substr(4)); } else if (initial_match(sym, "OR.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::OR, sym.substr(3)); } else if (initial_match(sym, "AND.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::AND, sym.substr(4)); } else if (initial_match(sym, "XOR.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::XOR, sym.substr(4)); } else if (initial_match(sym, "EQ.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::EQ, sym.substr(3)); } else if (initial_match(sym, "LTE.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::LTE, sym.substr(4)); } else if (initial_match(sym, "LT.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::LT, sym.substr(3)); } else if (initial_match(sym, "GTE.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::GTE, sym.substr(4)); } else if (initial_match(sym, "GT.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::GT, sym.substr(3)); } else if (initial_match(sym, "SUB.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::SUB, sym.substr(4)); } else if (initial_match(sym, "PLUS.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::PLUS, sym.substr(5)); } else if (initial_match(sym, "MULT.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::MULT, sym.substr(5)); } else if (initial_match(sym, "PRINT.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::PRINT, sym.substr(6)); } else if (sym == "JUMP.ABS") { t.type = token_type_t::JUMP_ABS; } else if (sym == "JUMP.STACK") { t.type = token_type_t::JUMP_STACK; } else if (initial_match(sym, "JUMP.IF.")) { t = token_t(token_type_t::JUMP_IF, sym.substr(8)); } else if (sym == "CALL.STACK") { t.type = token_type_t::CALL_STACK; } else if (sym == "CALL") { t.type = token_type_t::CALL; } else if (sym == "RET") { t.type = token_type_t::RET; } else if (sym == "GLOBAL") { t.type = token_type_t::GLOBAL; } else { t.type = token_type_t::SYMBOL; } if (t.content == "") t.content = sym; t.column = column; column += sym.size(); return make_pair(t, lerr_t::OK); } token_t tokenise_literal_number(string_view &source, size_t &column) { bool is_negative = false; if (source[0] == '-') { is_negative = true; source.remove_prefix(1); } auto end = source.find_first_not_of(VALID_DIGIT); if (end == string::npos) end = source.size() - 1; string digits{source.substr(0, end)}; source.remove_prefix(end); token_t t{token_type_t::LITERAL_NUMBER, (is_negative ? "-" : "") + digits, column}; column += digits.size() + (is_negative ? 1 : 0); return t; }