# NewsAggregator A news article aggregator using RSS feeds to extract articles from differing sources. These aggregated articles are displayed on a website for the user to see. ## In-depth Articles will extracted from an RSS Feed (which is in a XML format) via a C# application, which will put each articke into standard CLR objects. These CLR objects will then be committed to a database for persistence even when the server is off. While the database is periodically updated, a web server will display articles from the database to the user in a nice format. This therefore provides a clear distinction between the frontend and the backend: * Aggregator of articles (purely backend) * Database (purely backend) * Web server (backend funnel to frontend) * Web page (purely frontend) __NOTE__: Articles that have the same title in differing sources, the first to be inserted will be used. This is a ~~bug for the technical debt pile~~ feature now. ## Languages and services used * C# for the aggregator * C#/Node.js for the web server * MySQL for the database ## Technical debt - components that I need to spend longer thinking about/refactoring * Articles having the same title will have a collision due to database design (Title is a unique field), thus only the first inserted article will stay, the other deleted. * Program is a bit slow when inserting due to constant try{}check{}'ing. Will become a proper big problem in certain scenarios where you might have a large amount of articles before each update