using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Classes;
namespace Aggregator.Parser {
/// Class to provide Parsing services
public static class ParserService {
/// Parse a single xml code, given a config, to Articles
/// XML code from an RSS feed
/// Config that tells parser where to get relevant information
/// Parsed articles from XML code
public static IEnumerable Parse(string xml, Config config) {
return XDocument.Parse(xml).Descendants("item") //make an XDocument out of the xml
.Select(articles => articles.Descendants().ToArray()) //turn each 'item' into it's respective descendants
.Select(article => new Article() //make a new article from each 'item' article, using config for pointers
Source = config.Source,
Title = article[config.Title].Value,
Description = article[config.Description].Value,
ArticleLink = article[config.ArticleLink].Value,
ImageLink = article[config.ImageLink].Attribute("url").Value,
PublishDate = DateTime.Parse(article[config.PublishDate].Value)
}).Distinct(); //remove any duplicates
/// Parse multiple xml sets, given a similar set of configs, to Articles
/// Array of XML sets to parse for Articles
/// List of configs to parse for corresponding xml sets
/// Parsed articles from every XML set
public static IEnumerable ParseMultiple(string[] xmls, List configs) {
if (configs.Count == 0 || xmls.Length == 0 || (xmls.Length != configs.Count)) {
return null; //for bad cases
else {
return xmls.Select((xml, index) => Parse(xml, configs[index])) //Parse each item
.SelectMany(i => i); //remove distinctions between each set of articles