filetype off "" Plugins set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim call vundle#begin() "" Core Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.vim' Plugin 'tpope/vim-dispatch' Plugin 'SirVer/ultisnips' Plugin 'honza/vim-snippets' "" UI Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdtree' "" Plugins Plugin 'godlygeek/tabular' Plugin 'tpope/vim-commentary' Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive' Plugin 'tpope/vim-surround' call vundle#end() "" Standard variables syntax enable filetype plugin indent on set nocompatible set ignorecase set smartcase set clipboard=unnamed set number set nobackup set noundofile set nowritebackup set nohlsearch set wildmenu set tabstop=4 set softtabstop=4 set expandtab set shiftwidth=4 set previewheight=5 set foldmethod=syntax set foldlevel=99 let mapleader = ' ' "" Theming colorscheme elflord "" Dir Config let g:NERDTreeHijackNetrw = 1 "" Keybinds imap jk "" General keybind nnoremap fp :e ~/.vimrc nnoremap fei :e ~/.vim/ftplugin nnoremap fr :so ~/.vimrc:PluginInstall nnoremap qq :q! nnoremap gs :G nnoremap : "" File Management nnoremap ff :e nnoremap fs :w nnoremap fq :wq nnoremap fn :enew nnoremap :set hlsearch! hlsearch? "" Buffer Management nnoremap bb :b nnoremap bn :bn nnoremap bp :bp nnoremap bd :bd "" Search nnoremap ss / "" Window Splits nnoremap wv v nnoremap ws s nnoremap wd q "" Window Resizes nnoremap wj :resize -5 nnoremap wk :resize +5 nnoremap wl 5> nnoremap wh 5< "" Window Movement nnoremap j nnoremap k nnoremap l nnoremap h "" Projects nnoremap ot :NERDTreeToggle nnoremap pg :!ctags-exuberant -R --exclude=Makefile . "" Tags nnoremap tt :Tags " ## added by OPAM user-setup for vim / base ## 93ee63e278bdfc07d1139a748ed3fff2 ## you can edit, but keep this line let s:opam_share_dir = system("opam config var share") let s:opam_share_dir = substitute(s:opam_share_dir, '[\r\n]*$', '', '') let s:opam_configuration = {} function! OpamConfOcpIndent() execute "set rtp^=" . s:opam_share_dir . "/ocp-indent/vim" endfunction let s:opam_configuration['ocp-indent'] = function('OpamConfOcpIndent') function! OpamConfOcpIndex() execute "set rtp+=" . s:opam_share_dir . "/ocp-index/vim" endfunction let s:opam_configuration['ocp-index'] = function('OpamConfOcpIndex') function! OpamConfMerlin() let l:dir = s:opam_share_dir . "/merlin/vim" execute "set rtp+=" . l:dir endfunction let s:opam_configuration['merlin'] = function('OpamConfMerlin') let s:opam_packages = ["ocp-indent", "ocp-index", "merlin"] let s:opam_check_cmdline = ["opam list --installed --short --safe --color=never"] + s:opam_packages let s:opam_available_tools = split(system(join(s:opam_check_cmdline))) for tool in s:opam_packages " Respect package order (merlin should be after ocp-index) if count(s:opam_available_tools, tool) > 0 call s:opam_configuration[tool]() endif endfor " ## end of OPAM user-setup addition for vim / base ## keep this line