#+TITLE: Literate configuration * Preclude My setup to produce a literate configuration. Allows me to write org files all around the /doom-private-dir/ and access them. Also shaved like 0.2s off my loading time. * Variables Initialise some basic constants for where stuff is #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (setq oreodave/literate/bin-dir (expand-file-name (concat doom-private-dir "bin/"))) (setq oreodave/literate/preloaded-files (list "README.org" "modules/config.org" "modules/literate.org")) #+END_SRC * Remove function When loading the lisp, we need to load everything excluding "config.el" (preloaded by doom) and "literate.el" (loaded by "config.el"). We'll make a very specific remove function that will remove entries from a given list and return the new list, given the fact that the files variable will be a list of fully expanded file names. #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (defun oreodave/literate/remove-mult (remove-files files) (let ((parsed-remove-files (map 'list #'(lambda (i) (expand-file-name (concat doom-private-dir i))) remove-files))) (remove-if-not #'(lambda (l) (not (member l parsed-remove-files))) files))) #+END_SRC * Parser First we need to get some sort of parser which can, given a source org file and a destination, parse and produce an Emacs lisp file. We'll copy this from the literate module of doom. #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (defun oreodave/literate/tangle (SRC DEST) (let ((default-directory doom-private-dir)) (when (file-newer-than-file-p SRC DEST) (let ((output (get-buffer-create "*org-tangle*"))) (unwind-protect (or (and (zerop (call-process "emacs" nil output nil "-q" "--batch" "-l" "ob-tangle" "--eval" (format "(org-babel-tangle-file %S %S)" SRC DEST))) (with-current-buffer output (message "%s" (buffer-string)) t)) (warn (format "Problem with tanging %S to %S" SRC DEST))) (kill-buffer output)))))) #+END_SRC * Destination for parser Generate the destination for a literate config org file to parse to, in this case the bin folder in the private directory #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (defun oreodave/literate/destination(SRC) (replace-regexp-in-string ".*/\\(\\w+\\).org" (expand-file-name (concat oreodave/literate/bin-dir "\\1.el")) SRC)) #+END_SRC This is not fitted onto the parser because the parser could be fitted to multiple /differing/ outputs easily if it isn't specified a destination. * Procedure for all files We need a procedure that parses all the org files in the doom-private-dir and modules directory into Emacs lisp files, using the parser function we've made. Assume all org files in the private directory contribute to the config. #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (defun oreodave/literate/tangle-all () (interactive) (message "Starting compilation process") (let ((files (directory-files-recursively "~/.doom.d/" ".org"))) (dolist (file files) (message "Compiling and parsing %s" file) (oreodave/literate/tangle file (oreodave/literate/destination file))))) #+END_SRC * Hook on save Now we need to make a hook that, when the current buffer is an org file in the doom directory, will run the literate config procedure from above. #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (defun oreodave/literate/compile-hook () (when (and (eq major-mode 'org-mode) (or (file-in-directory-p buffer-file-name doom-private-dir))) (oreodave/literate/tangle-all))) #+END_SRC * Add hook to org-mode #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (after! org (add-hook 'after-save-hook #'oreodave/literate/compile-hook)) #+END_SRC * Config run Parse all Emacs lisp files. Then load them. #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (oreodave/literate/tangle-all) ; Parse (let ((files (directory-files-recursively "~/.doom.d/" ".org"))) ; Load (load! (replace-regexp-in-string ".org" ".el" file)))) (dolist (file (oreodave/literate/remove-mult oreodave/literate/preloaded-files files)) #+END_SRC