#!/usr/bin/env python3 from time import sleep from sys import argv from os import system def speak(text: str, volume=100, word_gap=20): system(f'espeak -a {volume} -g {word_gap} -k 20 "{text}"') def beep(): system("play -q -n synth 0.1 sin 880") if __name__ == '__main__': study_duration = 40 if (len(argv) > 1): study_duration = int(argv[1]) gap_duration = 20 if (len(argv) > 2): study_duration = int(argv[2]) speak(f"Starting timer with parameters study={study_duration} minutes and gap={gap_duration} minutes") for i in range(1, study_duration + 1): sleep(60) if i == 0: speak(f"Study time has finished") elif i % 10 == 0: speak(f"{study_duration - i} minutes of study time left") speak("You can take a break now!") for i in range(1, gap_duration + 1): sleep(60) if i == 0: speak(f"Gap time has finished") elif i % 10 == 0: speak(f"{gap_duration - i} minutes of gap time left")