# Launchers super + Escape notify-send -u low "Reloaded sxhkd"; \ killall sxhkd; sxhkd super + shift + Escape notify-send -u low "Reloading xprofile"; \ sh .xprofile; super + Return notify-send -u low "Launching terminal"; \ $TERMINAL super + a dmenu_run super + e $HOME/.local/scripts/emoticons super + s notify-send -u low "Launching browser"; \ xdg-open "https://duckduckgo.com" super + semicolon $HOME/.local/scripts/qdisplay super + z notify-send -u low "Launching zathura"; \ zathura super + w $HOME/.local/scripts/eselect; super + ctrl + l $HOME/.local/scripts/lock; super + alt + l xtrlock; super + ctrl + L xtrlock -b; super + ctrl + m $HOME/.local/scripts/mail_fetch super + ctrl + d notify-send -u low "Changing background"; \ $HOME/.local/scripts/background; super + p passmenu -f -i super + F12 systemctl suspend super + Home onboard # Music and volume super + F{6,7,8} playerctl --player=spotify {previous,play-pause,next}; XF86Audio{Prev,Play,Next} playerctl --player=spotify {previous,play-pause,next}; XF86Audio{Lower,Raise}Volume kill -43 $(pidof dwmblocks); \ {pamixer -d,pamixer -i} 5 --allow-boost; ctrl + XF86Audio{Lower,Raise}Volume kill -43 $(pidof dwmblocks); \ {pamixer -d,pamixer -i} 1 --allow-boost; super + F{9,10} kill -43 $(pidof dwmblocks); \ {pamixer -d,pamixer -i} 1 --allow-boost; XF86AudioMute kill -43 $(pidof dwmblocks); \ pamixer -t; Pause playerctl --player=spotify play-pause # Connections Print scrot -f -s '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.png' -e 'mv $f ~/Pictures/'; Scroll_Lock conn=$(nmcli | grep "connected to" | sed 's/.*connected to //g' | head -1); \ nmcli c down "$conn"; \ notify-send -u low "Turning off wifi"; \ nmcli c up "$conn"; \ notify-send -u low "Reset " $conn; # Brightness XF86MonBrightness{Down,Up} xbacklight -{dec,inc} 25; \ notify-send -u low "Brightness: $(xbacklight)" shift + XF86MonBrightness{Down,Up} xbacklight -{dec,inc} 5; \ notify-send -u low "Brightness: $(xbacklight)" super + F{3,4} xbacklight -{dec,inc} 25; \ notify-send -u low "Brightness: $(xbacklight)" super + shift + F{3,4} xbacklight -{dec,inc} 5; \ notify-send -u low "Brightness: $(xbacklight)"