# BSPWM super + {_, shift + } {h,j,k,l} bspc node -{f,s} {west, south, north, east} super + Escape notify-send "Reloaded sxhkd"; \ killall sxhkd; sxhkd super + {_,shift + } q bspc node -{c,k}; super + alt + {q,r} bspc {quit,wm -r} super + c bspc node -s biggest super + shift + {t,f} notify-send "Switched to {tiling,floating}"; \ bspc node -t {tiled,floating} super + f bspc node -t ~fullscreen super + {_,shift + }{1,2,3,4} bspc {desktop -f,node -d} {Development,Browser,Media,4} hyper + {_,shift + }{1,2,3,4} bspc {desktop -f,node -d} {Development,Browser,Media,4} super + {comma,period} bspc node -z {left -20 0,right 20 0} # Launchers super + Return notify-send "Launching terminal"; \ $TERMINAL {super,hyper} + a dmenu_run hyper + e $HOME/.emacs_anywhere/bin/run hyper + s notify-send "Launching qutebrowser"; \ qutebrowser hyper + q; q notify-send "Launching Emacs"; \ emacsclient -c -s MAIN -a=emacs; hyper + q; s notify-send "(Re)starting emacs server"; \ eserver restart; hyper + q; d notify-send "Launching Dired"; \ emacsclient -c -s MAIN -a=emacs --eval '(dired "~")'; hyper + l $HOME/.local/scripts/lock hyper + d notify-send "Changing background"; \ $HOME/.local/scripts/background; hyper + m $HOME/.local/scripts/playlist_choice super + F12 systemctl suspend # Music and volume F{6,7,8} mpc -q {prev,toggle,next}; \ notify-send "MPD: Track $(mpc --format '%title%' | head -1)"; XF86Audio{Prev,Next} mpc -q {prev,next}; \ notify-send "MPD: Track $(mpc --format '%title%' | head -1)"; {_,hyper + }F{9,10} {pactl set-sink-volume 0,$HOME/.local/scripts/mpc_volume} {-,+}5%; {_,hyper + }XF86Audio{Lower,Raise}Volume {pactl set-sink-volume 0,$HOME/.local/scripts/mpc_volume} {-,+}5%; XF86MonBrightness{Down,Up} xbacklight {-,+}15; \ notify-send "Brightness: $(xbacklight)"; F{3,4} xbacklight {-,+}15; \ notify-send "Brightness: $(xbacklight)";