#+TITLE: Dotfiles #+AUTHOR: Oreodave #+DESCRIPTION: README for Dotfiles * Introduction My Dotfiles repository with configuration files for most of the applications I use on a daily basis. * Install Clone this into the =~/Dotfiles= directory. Install Emacs. Win. ** Installing Emacs I like a specific set of flags on my Emacs install. Prepackaged installs just won't cut it. Therefore, to make it leverage more of the system I've created, we're going to use my build of Emacs. #+begin_src sh cd ~/.local/src; git clone git@git.aryadevchavali.com:/oreodave/emacs.git; cd emacs; sh personal-install; #+end_src ** Currently used packages - XServer - vim - Shell - SystemD - Emacs - Mail - Neovim - ClangFormat