#+TITLE: Dotfiles #+AUTHOR: Aryadev Chavali #+DESCRIPTION: README for Dotfiles This repository contains most of my custom configurations for programs I use daily. * Install 1) Clone this repository to =~/Dotfiles= 2) Construct the following directories: + =~/.local= + =src= + =bin= + =lib= + =share= + =~/.config= + =~/Downloads= + =~/Code= + =~/Media= + =~/Projects= 3) Install [[https://www.gnu.org/software/stow/][GNU/stow]] 4) Pick and choose what configurations you want + To install a module use ~stow ~ + To remove a module use ~stow -D ~ ** Installing Emacs I like a specific set of flags on my Emacs install. Prepackaged installs just won't cut it. So I'd highly recommend cloning and building my personal [[https://git.aryadevchavali.com/emacs][Emacs repo]] (currently =v28.1=). Or, if you're lazy, just run the following: #+begin_src sh cd ~/.local/src; git clone git@git.aryadevchavali.com:/git/emacs.git emacs; cd emacs; sh personal-install; # Will configure, build and attempt to install #+end_src