#+TITLE: Dotfiles #+AUTHOR: Aryadev Chavali #+DESCRIPTION: README for Dotfiles This repository contains all of my custom configurations for programs I use daily. * Setup and installation procedure 1) Clone this repository to =~/Dotfiles= 2) Construct the following directories: + =~/.local= + =src= + =bin= + =lib= + =share= + =~/.config= + =~/Downloads= + =~/Code= + =~/Media= + =~/Projects= 3) Install [[https://www.gnu.org/software/stow/][GNU/stow]] 4) Pick and choose what configurations you want + To install a module use ~stow ~ + To remove a module use ~stow -D ~ * Installing Emacs I like a specific set of flags on my Emacs install, and my configuration kind of depends on them existing as well. Prepackaged installs just won't cut it. So I'd highly recommend cloning and building my personal [[https://github.com/oreodave/emacs-29-custom][Emacs repo]] (currently =v29=). Or just run the following lines: #+begin_src sh cd ~/.local/src; git clone git@github.com:oreodave/emacs-29-custom emacs; cd emacs; sh personal-install; # Will configure, build and attempt to install #+end_src * Emacs archives At [[https://aryadevchavali.com/resources/]] I want a kind of updated version of my configuration which contains most of my Emacs configuration. This is so I can quick start on most machines without having to pull the repositories for packages first, just spend time building bytecode. This script generates the archive: #+begin_src sh tar -Jcvf emacs-config.tar.xz \ ~/.config/emacs/app.org \ ~/.config/emacs/config.org \ ~/.config/emacs/core.org \ ~/.config/emacs/lang.org \ ~/.config/emacs/early-init.el \ ~/.config/emacs/init.el \ ~/.config/emacs/elisp/ \ ~/.config/emacs/straight #+end_src And this script sends it over via rsync #+begin_src sh rsync -avz --info=progress2 --info=name0 emacs-config.tar.xz root@aryadevchavali.com:/var/www/html/resources #+end_src