#+TITLE: Dotfiles #+AUTHOR: Oreodave #+DESCRIPTION: README for Dotfiles * Introduction My Dotfiles repository with configuration files for most of the applications I use on a daily basis. * Install Clone this into the =~/Dotfiles= directory. Install Emacs. Win. ** Installing Emacs I like a specific set of flags on my Emacs install. Prepackaged installs just won't cut it. Hence we're going to clone =emacs-27= from GNU then compile it. Just run the following part: #+begin_src sh cd .local/src/emacs; curl -LO http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/emacs/emacs-27.2.tar.gz tar -xvf emacs-27.2.tar.gz . ./configure --with-xwidgets -with-threads --with-harfbuzz --with-jpeg --with-json --with-modules; make; sudo make install; #+end_src ** Currently used modules - XServer - vim - Shell - SystemD - Emacs - Mail - mailcap - Neovim - ClangFormat