#+TITLE: Install * Introduction Each heading is a step in the install process. Run each headings source code snippets as you progress through them. Any snippets that have the tag =:optional:= can be avoided, and are likely extra functionality that you can use later on. * Generate user directories :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :session *install-sh* :results none :tangle Install.sh :END: This makes some useful directories that are used by the system and/or by me. I split these into two sections so at minimum you can install the system folders and generate the user folders if you wish. ** System folders #+BEGIN_SRC sh mkdir ~/.local; mkdir ~/.local/src; mkdir ~/.local/bin; mkdir ~/.config; #+END_SRC ** User folders :optional: Firstly the essentials for a good user experience™ #+BEGIN_SRC sh mkdir ~/Downloads ~/Pictures ~/Music; #+END_SRC Then generate the other stuff that I use (mostly). #+BEGIN_SRC sh mkdir ~/Text; mkdir ~/School; mkdir ~/Code; mkdir ~/Code/Learning; mkdir ~/Code/Projects; #+END_SRC * Clone templates :optional: :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :session *install-sh* :results none :tangle Install.sh :END: These are templates coded by me (MIT licensed) which are basically boilerplate helpers for differing languages. They allow me to quickly start coding up projects as they remove the hassle of setting the build system and source directories up manually. They're cloned into =~/Code/Templates= not only so you can hack on them as you wish but also so you can generate templates even when offline just by copying the template you want and removing/replacing the '.git' directory in it. Firstly you need the folders for the templates to be stored in, so =mkdir= them. #+BEGIN_SRC sh mkdir ~/Code; mkdir ~/Code/Templates; #+END_SRC Then clone the templates into the folder. #+BEGIN_SRC sh declare -a templates=("CTemplate" "CPPTemplate" "PythonTemplate" "NodeTemplate" "ArduinoTemplate"); for template in ${templates[@]}; do git clone https://github.com/odavep/$template ~/Code/Templates/$template; done #+END_SRC * Managing modules ** What is stow? GNU/Stow is a utility for symlinking folders (named as 'modules') to the home directory. ** How does stow work (roughly)? Each module must be structure as if that module directory were to be mapped directly on to the home directory. For example, the vim module which has only a vimrc file would be structured "~/Dotfiles/Vim/.vimrc" so that when it is stowed, the vimrc goes directly to "~/.vimrc" This also means that if any files are already present that conflict with the module files, the stow will not work. So make sure to clean up beforehand. ** Activating a module Activating a module is as simple as just entering the dotfiles directory and entering 'stow '. This will symlink the contents of the internal directory to the home directory. ** Deleting a module Deleting a module is a call to stow with the -d argument (i.e. 'stow -D '). This will delete the symlinks to all the files in the module, leaving the home directory clean of them. ** Activate all modules :optional: Basically get all folders excluding the '.git' and '.' folder, then just stow them. #+BEGIN_SRC sh folders=`find . -maxdepth 1 -type 'd' -not -name '.git' -not -name '.'`; # Symlink profiles for pkg in $folders; do echo "Stowing " $pkg; stow $pkg done #+END_SRC * Emacs support :optional: :PROPERTIES: :header-args: :session *install-el* :results none :tangle Install.el :END: ** Get all modules in Dotfiles The main function used to retrieve all the stowable modules in the Dotfiles directory. #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (defun +dotfiles-install/get-modules () "Get all modules in dotfiles directory" (interactive) (cdr (reverse (split-string (shell-command-to-string "find ~/Dotfiles/ -maxdepth 1 -type 'd' -not -name '.git' -not -name '$USER/Dotfiles/'") "\n")))) (+dotfiles-install/get-modules) #+END_SRC ** Install module Little elisp snippet to stow a specific module in the Dotfiles folder using completing-read. #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (defun +dotfiles-install/install-module () (interactive) (async-shell-command (format "stow %s" (completing-read "Stow module: " (+dotfiles-install/get-modules) nil t)) "*stow-output*" "*stow-error*")) (+dotfiles-install/install-module) #+END_SRC ** Delete module Little elisp snippet to delete a stowed module in the Dotfiles folder using completing-read. #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (defun +dotfiles-install/delete-module () (interactive) (async-shell-command (format "stow -D %s" (completing-read "Delete module: " (+dotfiles-install/get-modules) nil t)) "*stow-output*" "*stow-error*")) (+dotfiles-install/delete-module) #+END_SRC