#+TITLE: Packages * Preclude A list of extra packages I have added to doom, and justification for why. Here are some examples of how to do packages in Doom. #+BEGIN_SRC elisp :tangle no (package! some-package) ;melpa (package! another-package :recipe (:host github :repo "username/repo")) (package! builtin-package :disable t) #+END_SRC * Header Don't byte compile this, not a good idea. #+BEGIN_SRC elisp ;; -*-no-byte-compile: t-*- #+END_SRC * General ** wttrin Weather analysis, useful for when I don't have my phone near me or I need to show just *how* much Emacs can do to someone. #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (package! wttrin) #+END_SRC ** powerthesaurus Thesaurus for Emacs, amazingly useful. I do know that doom has it's own dictionary and thesaurus module, but I wish to use my own cos I have very specific needs #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (package! powerthesaurus) #+END_SRC ** base16-themes Every now and then I like to use base16 themes, particularly when zen coding. #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (package! base16-theme) #+END_SRC * Org-mode ** Fragtog Fragtog allows for latex segments to be instantly compiled and only when you hover over them will you get the code, similar to prettify-symbols. #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (package! org-fragtog :recipe (:host github :repo "io12/org-fragtog")) #+END_SRC * Coding ** Tags Should really be an inbuilt feature for Ivy, as it is so damn useful. Better than the Helm or inbuilt "TAGS" searching options as it provides ways to quickly filter data from the tag set which makes it incredibly fast. I have personally used it in some of my personal functions such as the global testing function I have for C# using both tags and OmniSharp. #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (package! counsel-etags) #+END_SRC ** Arduino I sometimes dabble in Arduino coding, and absolutely adore Emacs, so who says I can't make Emacs an Arduino IDE? *** arduino-mode Absolutely necessary for Arduino development: syntax highlighting. I soon plan to make my own Arduino mode on the back of cc-mode, but who knows when that will happen? #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (package! arduino-mode) #+END_SRC *** company-arduino Auto complete is essential to make the ultimate IDE experience™. Thus, company-arduino. #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (package! company-arduino) #+END_SRC ** YAML YAML packages which I think would be cool to use: - yaml-mode is just necessary as you can't edit without coloring (in my opinion) - yaml-imenu is a cool package for large yaml files - flycheck-yamllint is a nice little package which #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (package! yaml-mode) (package! yaml-imenu) (package! flycheck-yamllint) #+END_SRC