;; Example input: a-b,c-d which denotes [a,b] and [c,d] ;; We want to find if [c,d] < [a,b] or vice versa (complete inclusion) ;; and since we're working with integers, it's simply checking if the ;; bounds are included i.e. c in [a,b] and d in [a,b] (defvar input (uiop:read-file-string "2022/4-input")) (defun parse-bound (str) "Given STR=\"a-b\" return (a b)" (let* ((sep (search "-" str)) (first (subseq str 0 sep)) (second (subseq str (+ sep 1)))) (list (parse-integer first) (parse-integer second)))) (defvar completed-parse (with-input-from-string (s input) (loop for line = (read-line s nil) until (null line) collect ;; given a-b,c-d we want ((a b) (c d)) (let* ((sep (search "," line)) (first-bound (subseq line 0 sep)) (second-bound (subseq line (+ sep 1)))) (list (parse-bound first-bound) (parse-bound second-bound)))))) (defun complete-inclusion (first-bound second-bound) (destructuring-bind (a b) first-bound (destructuring-bind (c d) second-bound (or (and (>= a c) (<= a d) (>= b c) (<= b d)) (and (>= c a) (<= c b) (>= d a) (<= d b)))))) (defvar round-1-answer (length (remove-if #'null (mapcar (lambda (pair) (destructuring-bind (first second) pair (complete-inclusion first second))) completed-parse)))) ;; Round 2: any overlap at all. Basically just overhaul the inclusion ;; function and then do the same answer checking. (defun any-inclusion (first second) (destructuring-bind (a b) first (destructuring-bind (c d) second ;; How about doing this through negation? [a,b] does not overlap with [c,d] at all if either b < c or a > d. (not (or (< b c) (> a d)))))) (defvar round-2-answer (length (remove-if #'null (mapcar (lambda (pair) (destructuring-bind (first second) pair (any-inclusion first second))) completed-parse))))