path: root/zshenv
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-12-20+zshenv header for mode in Emacs, changed pathA. Chavali
2019-11-18+Generate template offline by copying the git diroreodave
In case I'm offline, just use this function to generate new projects through copying the template item directly
2019-11-18~move emote meme to endoreodave
2019-11-05~yapf to python2oreodave
2019-11-05+for the memeoreodave
2019-11-01+e alias so emacsclient is easier to openoreodave
Removed clang format file
2019-10-25+alias clang-format to use local files for stylesoreodave
2019-09-26+.local/bin to pathoreodave
2019-08-22+config for nvm, node version manageroreodave
2019-08-15+variables for tmuxinatororeodave
2019-08-11Added arduino template to template funcoreodave
2019-08-11~Path to be a constantoreodave
Will instead just sym link all exes to /usr/local/bin
2019-07-29+Cargo to pathoreodave
2019-07-26+fzf binary to pathoreodave
2019-07-23+append to pathoreodave
2019-07-13Removed memes section and changed function to remove git in gentemplateoreodave
2019-07-12Added dotfiles for spacemacs, tmux, vim and zshoreodave