path: root/doom.d/init.el
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-02-08~wakatime-cli-path ~/.local/bin/wakatimeAChavali
~/.local/bin/wakatime is the location a pip --user install puts wakatime to. Use that from now on.
2020-02-08~changes to modules in doomAChavali
+childframe for ivy as it is useful, can configure it to go anywhere -lsp for haskell because it doesn't work +pomodoro for the pomodoro technique +rust with lsp because I want to start learning rust
2020-01-17-something inserted by customize in init.elAChavali
2020-01-17~big things changing in doomAChavali
2020-01-05+overlay to evalAChavali
Quickly evaluating stuff should not pop up a minibuffer
2020-01-05+vterm and zenAChavali
+vterm for much better terminals in Emacs, to the point where it is now my official terminal emulator +zen mode for quiet writing and reading experience
2020-01-05~switched back to normal modelineAChavali
Fixes have made the modeline better
2020-01-05~repositioned ivy to top of completionAChavali
2019-12-31~lookup+docsets, intero -> lspAChavali
Lookup docsets is required in other languages for some reason (?) Intero is no longer maintained, thus I have to use LSP.
2019-12-30+wrapped my own literate config setup!AChavali
+literate.org file that holds the config program +bootstrap to config.org that loads the literate.el file, which in turn parses all the other files and loads everything -literate config module, I have my own now
2019-12-30-removed fira from pretty-codeAChavali
2019-12-30~modeline -> modeline-light +ircAChavali
2019-12-30-useless code sections, fixes have been doneAChavali
2019-12-20~made wakatime a config package, not a moduleA. Chavali
Wakatime is so easy to configure there's basically no point to it being a module. Thus, I ported it to the config.
2019-11-25+childframe for ivy once againoreodave
2019-11-24~init el something, idkoreodave
Themes, csharp specific hooks, etc
2019-11-24~removed lsp and better docs for oreodave/csharp/get-unit-testoreodave
2019-11-19~formatting in init.eloreodave
2019-11-18+csharp lsp and c-offsetsoreodave
Doom updated this module, had to update the init
2019-11-05+icons to ivyoreodave
2019-11-04+gruvbox theme to safe themes with a few othersoreodave
2019-11-04~testing more themes, new themes to alistoreodave
2019-11-04~themes init.eloreodave
2019-11-01+editor configoreodave
Easier to use this than to use emacs' settings
Very useful when coding, simple but necessary feature
2019-10-25~langs availableoreodave
+javascript with lsp -ocaml
2019-10-24+fira code pretty expansionoreodave
2019-10-13+haskell moduleoreodave
2019-10-01~hashes for themesoreodave
2019-10-01+a few more modulesoreodave
+format +debugger +flyspell +pass +rgb +cc + lsp +calendar
2019-10-01~spacing of ivyoreodave
2019-09-26+lsp for pythonoreodave
The python language server is the best thing since sliced bread - incredible parsing and universal completion for any editor!
2019-09-26+setting variablesoreodave
+truncate lines option +c-basic-offset to variables
2019-08-27+rss +org readeroreodave
I like the idea of making emacs assimilate every part of my life
2019-08-17+two custom indent variables for js and pugoreodave
2019-08-11Updating custom variablesoreodave
2019-08-06~Wakatime key retrieval, will now get it from passoreodave
2019-08-06-Elcord global modeoreodave
It's very annoying if I'm doing a basic edit and Discord isn't there, elcord keeps complaining as if the worlds burning. So, instead, I'll run elcord when I want to
2019-07-28+Javascript (w/ typescript) module/layeroreodave
2019-07-28-tabbar - doesn't work as well as I wantedoreodave
2019-07-28+tabbar optionoreodave
2019-07-27~Custom variablesoreodave
2019-07-27-Twitter layeroreodave
2019-07-24+fuzzy searching option to ivyoreodave
2019-07-24+config from doom emacs - to configureoreodave