path: root/Emacs/.config
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2023-10-06(Emacs)+function +org/search-headings, cc-mode auto insert uses new license.elAryadev Chavali
2023-10-06(Emacs)~license.el separates pure string functions from interactiveAryadev Chavali
2023-10-06(Emacs)+Elisp archive, (Scripts/status)+bluetooth statusAryadev Chavali
2023-10-02(Emacs)~dir-localsAryadev Chavali
2023-10-02(Emacs)+dict bindingsAryadev Chavali
2023-09-29(Emacs)~little cleanAryadev Chavali
2023-09-29(Emacs)~fixed bug where boot up time in scratch buffer was wrongAryadev Chavali
I'm pretty sure we should be figuring this out after init, which is why I put made a hook to insert the message when it would actually be accurate.
2023-09-29(Emacs)~config->app,coreAryadev Chavali
The two largest sections of my config are separated into their own files now. Does increase init time, but I just can't handle how big this thing is. It'll be a bit nicer to look at and manage with separate files.
2023-09-29(Emacs)~more safe valuesAryadev Chavali
2023-09-29(Emacs)~whitespaceAryadev Chavali
2023-09-29(Emacs)~ivy config uses :initAryadev Chavali
2023-09-29(Emacs)~Makefile autoinsert now does dependency trackingAryadev Chavali
Figured this out during stack-vm.c development: a way for Makefiles to do proper dependency tracking using gcc's option -MMD.
2023-09-29(Emacs)~fix up some display recordsAryadev Chavali
Figured out you can put all display functions into one list
2023-09-28(Emacs)+binding for image-dired, +binds for image-dired-thumnail-modeAryadev Chavali
2023-09-28(Emacs)+header auto-insert with copyright notice.Aryadev Chavali
2023-09-28(Emacs)~C/C++ skeleton now inserts a copyright notice.Aryadev Chavali
2023-09-28(Emacs)~setup licensing as early as possibleAryadev Chavali
This is so I can use it later on.
2023-09-28(Emacs)~no-littering is setup in init.elAryadev Chavali
This solves the bug with custom.el where it randomly resets and forgets what I setup there already. Found this out through the custom.el info, where setting a custom file yourself requires loading it in post.
2023-09-28(Emacs)+binding for copyright noticeAryadev Chavali
2023-09-28(dir-locals|Emacs)+license choice into dir-localsAryadev Chavali
2023-09-28(Emacs)~license.el now has a function to insert copyright noticesAryadev Chavali
For the top of source code blocks.
2023-09-28(Emacs)+licensing scriptAryadev Chavali
I manage my own alist of Licenses, which I can completing-read for. I should also define something to produce a copyright notice.
2023-09-22(Emacs)+org-refile binding \-rAryadev Chavali
2023-09-22(Emacs)+rot13 mode, +use-file-dialog=nil, +dired-dwim-target=tAryadev Chavali
2023-09-22(Emacs)~modified keybindingsAryadev Chavali
Main one is "<SPC>-g" being magit-dispatch now.
2023-09-22(Emacs)~custom.el has safe values for projectile-*-cmdAryadev Chavali
2023-09-22(Emacs)~modified switch snippet in c/cc-modeAryadev Chavali
2023-09-22(Emacs)~fixed an error with using the inbuilt org-mode in init.elAryadev Chavali
2023-09-22(Emacs)~literate now actually checks if compilation is necessaryAryadev Chavali
Just realised how easy a fix this is to the 2 second wait time for Emacs to stop. Checking if the org files are newer than the compiled files, and the same for byte compilation, ensures I only compile when necessary. This actually makes Emacs kinda appealing for quick work: I kinda cringed every time I launched Emacs without a server because I knew it would take *so long* to stop it. Now that isn't as big a concern!
2023-09-10(Emacs)~disabled org fragtog for nowAryadev Chavali
2023-09-10(Emacs)~small changesAryadev Chavali
2023-09-10(Emacs)+gif-screencast for funny screencastsAryadev Chavali
2023-09-07(Emacs)+light theme version of personalAryadev Chavali
Bit old though.
2023-09-07(Emacs)~some sly bindingsAryadev Chavali
2023-09-07(Emacs)+bindings for ivy-occurAryadev Chavali
evil-collection going weird here, so decided to roll my own keybinds.
2023-09-07(Emacs)~description changes and Makefile autoinsertAryadev Chavali
2023-08-25(Emacs)~Makefile auto insert now has LIBS variable,-memcheck recipeAryadev Chavali
2023-08-25(Emacs)+c/C++ no longer have aggressive indentAryadev Chavali
`clang-format-mode` does the same thing for me in C/C++, and they usually conflict.
2023-08-20(Emacs)+code blaming binding using magitAryadev Chavali
Very cool ability.
2023-08-20(Emacs)~small changesAryadev Chavali
+key bind for normal/motion map in Info to follow nodes easily ~:display record for helpful ~some text in calc-mode ~undo tree saves in the same place as backups ~problems with compilation mode's recompile, evil collection is starting to not work, so bind it myself ~fix :auto-insert record for Makefiles: quote at the end stops it from matching ~org-latex-listings->org-latex-src-block-backend new org mode
2023-08-20(Emacs)+module configuration for man pagesAryadev Chavali
Found out why I can't just use ':display' records to manage displaying of man pages, made some binds as well. Useful for writing C code.
2023-08-20(Emacs)~mode line now pads vc informationAryadev Chavali
2023-08-20(Emacs)~dashboard -> scratch bufferAryadev Chavali
Back to basics.
2023-08-20(Emacs)-calctexAryadev Chavali
Removed calctex: super buggy, have to set a specific version to use and honestly not even that useful for all the bloat it's carrying.
2023-08-20(Emacs)+working on an async compilation funcAryadev Chavali
2023-07-14(Emacs)~cleaned up literate.elAryadev Chavali
Jesus, how could I have not noticed the spelling error in "Finishied byte compiling"?!
2023-07-14(Emacs)+org capture configurationAryadev Chavali
Made some templates and configured it.
2023-07-14(Emacs)~clean up some code and descriptionsAryadev Chavali
2023-07-13(Emacs)~change commit message auto insertAryadev Chavali
Use the :auto-insert keyword.
2023-07-13(Emacs)~cleaned up some textAryadev Chavali