path: root/Emacs/.config/emacs
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-08-14+use-package variablesAryadev Chavali
Mostly just ease of use stuff like making sure hooks had normal suffixes
2020-08-14+elisp header to (early-)init.elAryadev Chavali
2020-08-14+set gc-cons-threshold back to normal levels after loadAryadev Chavali
2020-08-14+early-init.elAryadev Chavali
From Emacs 27+, early-init.el provides control over stuff earlier than UI load allowing for fine grained control over the load up. Here you setup stuff such that Emacs loads this code most eagerly. In this case, I set gc-cons-threshold to the highest value to aggressively load the config without care for garbage collection, as well as restricting standard package use. Along with that are some basic UI things so that I don't have to deal with them even in load up such as menu-bars and the alpha. As this code is not error prone at all and is loaded before init.el these choices allow for an easier debugging experience as well.
2020-08-14-ivy from eager loading in init.elAryadev Chavali
This is because ivy loads after init anyway.
2020-08-14~clean up with documentation generallyAryadev Chavali
2020-08-14~documentation to +literate/load-config as well as change to codeAryadev Chavali
2020-08-14+sectioning and an autoload for ob-tangleAryadev Chavali
2020-08-14~constant namesAryadev Chavali
2020-08-14+local copy of profiler-dotemacsAryadev Chavali
I doubt there are many changes to this document, it works well and it's always great to have a local copy.
2020-08-11~put straight into init.elAryadev Chavali
2020-08-10+web mode variablesAryadev Chavali
Set offset to 2 for css and markup
2020-08-10+clang format descriptionAryadev Chavali
2020-08-10~further extend the c/c++ config descriptionAryadev Chavali
2020-08-10~slightly better description for activate-tabsAryadev Chavali
2020-08-10+a few new things to eldocAryadev Chavali
-Better description -changing position of eldoc box -make evil-force-normal-state also quit the eldoc-box frame through advice
2020-08-10+emacs lisp and C to org-babel-load-languagesAryadev Chavali
Helps with source blocks
2020-08-10~clean up flyspell issuesAryadev Chavali
2020-08-10~properly configured hooks for org-msgAryadev Chavali
2020-08-10+support for multiple functions in evil-mcAryadev Chavali
2020-08-10~moved xwidgetAryadev Chavali
2020-08-10+prompt for buffer on window split adviceAryadev Chavali
2020-08-10~cf -> cF for dired at ~/Code/Aryadev Chavali
2020-08-10+header-arg to tangle to config.elAryadev Chavali
Make sure this always tangles to config.el
2020-08-10~clean up custom variables in init.elAryadev Chavali
2020-08-10~clean up init.el literate codeAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09+org-block greys to EmacsAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09+when emacs in server mode, load stuff greedilyAryadev Chavali
When emacs is launched standalone, it makes sense to optimise towards smaller load times through lazy loading. However, when Emacs is in server or daemon there's no point holding back. Just load everything most of the necessary stuff such that on first emacsclient launch we have everything available for use.
2020-08-09~move ob-tangle to compile-config functionAryadev Chavali
Only when we're compiling do we need access to the tangle functionalities.
2020-08-09+better literate configAryadev Chavali
This is a smarter Emacs literate config. The way it works is simple: - If no config output files exist, compile them. Otherwise just load the config - Add a hook when exiting emacs such that the config is compiled and ready for next call. This makes it so that load time is fast and compile occurs at a more opportune time than at init.
2020-08-09+eshell alias fileAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09+abstract + toc snippet for emacsAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09+full name and email-address to emacsAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09+custom contents pages in latexAryadev Chavali
Turn off table of contents and display it on the next page.
2020-08-09+description to emacs lisp sectionAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09+load user directory for yasnippetAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09~cleanup whitespace in config.orgAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09+html/css/js configuration for EmacsAryadev Chavali
Use web mode for as much stuff as possible, also setup emmet for ease of use in html
2020-08-09+binding to whitespace-cleanupAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09+hook to text-mode for smartparensAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09+delete a sentence in auto fillAryadev Chavali
Basically adds the functionality necessary to delete sentences in auto fill mode, where it may not be possible with simple vim motions and where Emacs functions kill the paragraph.
2020-08-09~moved auto fill mode hookAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09~moved flyspellAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09~moved window managementAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09+eshell config with bindingAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09~org mode -> orgAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09~moved flyspell to major modes and programming sectionAryadev Chavali
Doesn't make sense to limit it just to Org mode, so add hooks for text mode.
2020-08-09+description for org superstarAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09+org pretty tablesAryadev Chavali
Some eyecandy via unicode symbols to make org tables just look nicer
2020-08-09-org-entities-user settingAryadev Chavali
No need, as I'll just insert integrals and stuff like that when I want to.