path: root/Emacs/.config/emacs/elisp
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-10-16Use cl-remove-if-not instead of +literate/filter in literate.elAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Remove timestamp from eshell-prompt and change colour of directoriesAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Rework +eshell/at-cwd to use changes to +eshell/openAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Rework +eshell/open to work better with multiple instances.Aryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Inline error-msg in +eshell/project-rootAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Extend +eshell/goto to allow finding filesAryadev Chavali
Instead of only looking at directories, +eshell/goto now works with files. If a directory is selected, set eshell to that directory. If a file is selected, make eshell go to the directory where that file is contained then use find-file.
2024-10-14Changes to Emacs config (can't explain because moving to elpaca)Aryadev Chavali
I'm having issues with freezing the new versions of stuff in straight for Emacs 30. Moving to elpaca to hopefully get out of that.
2024-10-05Make license-choice have possible tagsAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Some general changesAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01(Emacs/elisp)~hide-mode-line is a globalised minor-modeAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01(Emacs/config)~Ivy + Counsel -> IComplete + ConsultAryadev Chavali
Decided to use vanilla packages a bit more, and got a bit bored of Ivy + Counsel.
2024-09-23(Emacs/elisp)+font-latex customisation in personal-light-themeAryadev Chavali
2024-09-23(Emacs/elisp)~Fix bug in +eshell/open where named eshell instances weren't ↵Aryadev Chavali
created This happened because (eshell) with no arguments would not lookup eshell-buffer-name.
2024-09-23(Emacs/elisp)~padding is now a variableAryadev Chavali
2024-09-16(Emacs/elisp)~Update licenseAryadev Chavali
2024-09-08(Emacs/elisp)~variables for colours of success, failure and dir in eshell-promptAryadev Chavali
2024-09-08(Emacs/elisp)~adjusting faces in personal-light themeAryadev Chavali
2024-09-08(Emacs/elisp)~moving stuff around, deleting some old stuffAryadev Chavali
2024-09-08(Emacs/elisp)+evil-mc customisation into personal-solarizedAryadev Chavali
2024-08-24(Emacs/elisp/org-bookmark)~prompts for differing functionsAryadev Chavali
2024-08-24(Emacs/config|elisp)+custom light theme with switches in config.orgAryadev Chavali
2024-08-21(Emacs/elisp/org-bookmark)+org-bookmark/copy-bookmark-urlAryadev Chavali
Just a nice helper function.
2024-08-21(Emacs/elisp/org-bookmark)~indentingAryadev Chavali
2024-08-21(Emacs/elisp/yt-dlp)+package for downloading videos via yt-dlpAryadev Chavali
2024-08-21(Emacs/elisp/mpv)+autoload for comint-modeAryadev Chavali
2024-08-21(Emacs/elisp/mpv)-ytdl specific configAryadev Chavali
2024-08-21(Emacs/elisp/mpv)~mpv-open-video now takes optional argumentsAryadev Chavali
This optional argument should be a URL we can feed for the mpv process.
2024-08-17Big update of everything, new machineAryadev Chavali
2024-08-16(Emacs/elisp)~Removed italic from personal-solarized themeAryadev Chavali
2024-07-31Big pushAryadev Chavali
2024-07-27(Emacs/elisp)+org-bookmark/make-bookmark functionAryadev Chavali
This will allow for easy automation when using ytsearch: every pair of results can be wrapped in this expression to generate the videos I want.
2024-07-27(Emacs/elisp)~Make separate module for mpv from org-bookmarkAryadev Chavali
2024-07-27(Emacs/config)+eshell/sudo-switch functionAryadev Chavali
2024-07-27(Emacs/config|elisp)~+bookmark->org-bookmark and better mpv-argsAryadev Chavali
2024-07-25(Emacs/elisp)~Fix some annoyances in personal solarized themeAryadev Chavali
2024-07-25(Emacs/elisp/literate)+delete the old output before making a new oneAryadev Chavali
org-babel-tangle-file works doesn't alter timestamps if it thinks the Emacs Lisp file it could produce isn't any different from the one already there. We've already done the stat check, and don't particularly care for what org-babel-tangle-file thinks. Hence we should delete the file to force org-babel-tangle-file to generate a new file.
2024-07-03(Emacs/elisp)~Updated themes a bitAryadev Chavali
2024-07-02(Emacs/elisp)~Use a symbol-shorthand to lower the size of symbols in better ↵Aryadev Chavali
mode line
2024-07-02(Emacs/config)~refactor better-mode-line settingsAryadev Chavali
Use new namespace, move evil-state mode-line generation to personal configuration and add (mode-line-selected-window-p) checks to hide the left and right segment when they're not the focused window.
2024-07-02(Emacs/elisp)~refactor better-mode-lineAryadev Chavali
New namespace that's tiny bit less verbose, and refactor on padding generation to stop repeating myself.
2024-07-02(Emacs/elisp)+custom solarized based themeAryadev Chavali
2024-07-02(Emacs/config)~Fix up some stuff in mode lineAryadev Chavali
2024-07-01(Emacs/elisp/license)~Update license names, +URLs to LICENSE textAryadev Chavali
Now copyright notices can point to a URL instead of my email.
2024-07-01(Emacs/elisp)~update personal-primaryAryadev Chavali
2024-07-01(Emacs/elisp)~better-mode-line now ignores marginsAryadev Chavali
(window-width) cares about margins which isn't nice for padding computations, so I made a function for computing padding sizes including margins.
2024-07-01(Emacs/elisp|config)+new package that generates a mode-lineAryadev Chavali
Using left, centre and right segments generates a mode line with padded strings that actually achieves this.
2024-06-30(Emacs/elisp)~Fix this annoying C stack overflow error due to themeAryadev Chavali
Happens in rainbow-delimiters, as I setup weird inheritance when the package enforces an inheritance of the faces already.
2024-06-28(Emacs/elisp)~eshell-prompt for git changesAryadev Chavali
2024-06-27(Emacs/elisp)~fix eshell-prompt not showing changed files correctlyAryadev Chavali
Simple fix as I didn't call the command before splitting the string
2024-06-27(Emacs/elisp)+fill-column theme setupAryadev Chavali