path: root/Emacs/.config/emacs/config.org
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-10-05Fix org-clock configurationAryadev Chavali
2024-10-05Add Evil-multieditAryadev Chavali
2024-10-05Some changes to config, mostly bindings and textAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Added binding to find all TODOs in a project via rg.elAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Added better grepping utilities, per file or for the configuration fileAryadev Chavali
Better than (counsel-rg-or-swiper), provides a buffer of results that I can deal with as I want.
2024-10-01GUD configurationAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Configure schemeAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Fix fsan compilation-error-regexpAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Hydra for moving between errorsAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Move mpv module into configuration directlyAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Some general changesAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Switched non tangled sections to also not output resultsAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Add more documentation in configAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Add binds for file-local and directory-local variablesAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Allow EViL to run in the minibufferAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Emacs theme isn't synced to time, and is loaded after-initAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01(Emacs/elisp)~hide-mode-line is a globalised minor-modeAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01(Emacs/config)~Ivy + Counsel -> IComplete + ConsultAryadev Chavali
Decided to use vanilla packages a bit more, and got a bit bored of Ivy + Counsel.
2024-09-23(Emacs/config)~other small changesAryadev Chavali
2024-09-23(Emacs/config)~text changesAryadev Chavali
2024-09-23(Emacs/config)~remove unnecessary general-def in :general sectionsAryadev Chavali
2024-09-23(Emacs/config)~Small changesAryadev Chavali
2024-09-23(Emacs/config)+markdown-modeAryadev Chavali
Mostly for Eglot documentation.
2024-09-23(Emacs/config)~Convert fsan compilation-error-regexp to an rx callAryadev Chavali
Looks a bit nicer, is Lispy.
2024-09-23(Emacs/config)~Modify haskell configAryadev Chavali
2024-09-23(Emacs/config)+ocaml configuration using opamAryadev Chavali
2024-09-08(Emacs/config)~move magit to startAryadev Chavali
2024-09-08(Emacs/config)~minor adjustmentsAryadev Chavali
2024-09-08(Emcas/config)~quote -> function in proc macroAryadev Chavali
2024-08-27(Emacs/config)~set tab-bar-show as late as possible, defers tab-barAryadev Chavali
Optimises my load time quite a bit.
2024-08-27(Emacs/config)+timer to sync theme based on hourAryadev Chavali
2024-08-24(Emacs/config)~Fix fsan error regexp in compilationAryadev Chavali
2024-08-24(Emacs/config)~+project/generate-tags uses root folderAryadev Chavali
Instead of giving all the project files that project.el THINKS I want, let's just use the folder itself and abuse ctags. Leads to better TAGS overall.
2024-08-24(Emacs/config)~le-thesaurus -> powerthesaurusAryadev Chavali
le-thesaurus stopped working, so here's a different one. Already has a transient which maps to exactly the binds I was using with le-thesaurus.
2024-08-24(Emacs/config)+default case to font sizes configurationAryadev Chavali
2024-08-24(Emacs/config)+video formats to dired-guess-shell-alist-userAryadev Chavali
2024-08-24(Emcas/config)~descriptionsAryadev Chavali
2024-08-24(Emacs/config)~change tab-bar-format to not include buttonsAryadev Chavali
No need for add tab or remove tab buttons, it's a single key chord.
2024-08-24(Emacs/config|elisp)+custom light theme with switches in config.orgAryadev Chavali
2024-08-21(Emacs/config)+dired-rsync packageAryadev Chavali
2024-08-19(Emacs/config)~New laptop, ravenmaidenAryadev Chavali
2024-08-17Big update of everything, new machineAryadev Chavali
2024-08-16(Emacs/config)-ERCAryadev Chavali
2024-08-16(Emacs/config)~disable some subtrees that I'm not usingAryadev Chavali
2024-08-16(Emacs/config)+more descriptionsAryadev Chavali
2024-08-16(Emacs/config)-org compile to PDF on saveAryadev Chavali
2024-08-16(Emacs/config)+use-package declaration for show-paren-modeAryadev Chavali
2024-08-16(Emacs/config)~auto filling some LispAryadev Chavali
2024-08-16(Emacs/coonfig)-and/or ligatures in (Emacs)LispAryadev Chavali
2024-08-16(Emacs/config)+spacing after paragraphs for all configurationAryadev Chavali