path: root/Emacs/.config/emacs/config.org
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-08-15+org-todo-keywordsAryadev Chavali
2020-08-15~flyspell bindings switch capsAryadev Chavali
2020-08-15~display-buffer-in-side-window -> display-buffer-at-bottomAryadev Chavali
2020-08-15~eshell: cleanup description, +toggle-eshellAryadev Chavali
2020-08-15~change binding in elfeedAryadev Chavali
2020-08-15-yatemplateAryadev Chavali
2020-08-15~hook to after init to load after evil for which keyAryadev Chavali
2020-08-15+hydra-goto-chgAryadev Chavali
2020-08-15+mail descriptionAryadev Chavali
2020-08-15~use package changes to suffix hookAryadev Chavali
2020-08-15+counsel mode to end of configAryadev Chavali
2020-08-15~move counsel describe to initAryadev Chavali
2020-08-15+activate ivy mode after counsel-modeAryadev Chavali
2020-08-15~:bind to :general for ivyAryadev Chavali
2020-08-15~clean up evil-mcAryadev Chavali
2020-08-15+hook to after-init for evil modeAryadev Chavali
2020-08-15+some leader bindingsAryadev Chavali
2020-08-15+custom code to toggle any given bufferAryadev Chavali
2020-08-14~made modeline config separator agnosticAryadev Chavali
2020-08-14+turn off ring-bellAryadev Chavali
2020-08-14~clean up prose, remove any stuff that early-init.el doesAryadev Chavali
2020-08-11~put straight into init.elAryadev Chavali
2020-08-10+web mode variablesAryadev Chavali
2020-08-10+clang format descriptionAryadev Chavali
2020-08-10~further extend the c/c++ config descriptionAryadev Chavali
2020-08-10~slightly better description for activate-tabsAryadev Chavali
2020-08-10+a few new things to eldocAryadev Chavali
2020-08-10+emacs lisp and C to org-babel-load-languagesAryadev Chavali
2020-08-10~clean up flyspell issuesAryadev Chavali
2020-08-10~properly configured hooks for org-msgAryadev Chavali
2020-08-10+support for multiple functions in evil-mcAryadev Chavali
2020-08-10~moved xwidgetAryadev Chavali
2020-08-10+prompt for buffer on window split adviceAryadev Chavali
2020-08-10~cf -> cF for dired at ~/Code/Aryadev Chavali
2020-08-10+header-arg to tangle to config.elAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09+full name and email-address to emacsAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09+custom contents pages in latexAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09+description to emacs lisp sectionAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09+load user directory for yasnippetAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09~cleanup whitespace in config.orgAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09+html/css/js configuration for EmacsAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09+binding to whitespace-cleanupAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09+hook to text-mode for smartparensAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09+delete a sentence in auto fillAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09~moved auto fill mode hookAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09~moved flyspellAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09~moved window managementAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09+eshell config with bindingAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09~org mode -> orgAryadev Chavali
2020-08-09~moved flyspell to major modes and programming sectionAryadev Chavali