path: root/Emacs/.config/emacs/config.org
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-10-16Adjust :display record for eshellAryadev Chavali
Previous record would annoyingly affect helpful buffers for eshell.
2024-10-16add a quotes capture template to org-captureAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Shamelessly copy some flycheck configuration from Doom EmacsAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Adjust eshell bindingsAryadev Chavali
I've now made the hook a function, so reloading this snippet will not add useless extra functions to the hook. Also a eshell/goto binding.
2024-10-16Move +eshell/banner-message to EShell basicsAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16<leader>D is now dired-jumpAryadev Chavali
faster than <leader>dd<RET>
2024-10-16Evil collection for calendarAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Remove which-key and adjust zoom-sizeAryadev Chavali
I've got a bit more experience with my Emacs configuration now, and if I'm having trouble remembering the binds under some prefix I can use C-h to help me out.
2024-10-16Hook display-line-numbers-mode to prog-mode and text-modeAryadev Chavali
Better than global-display-line-numbers-mode, which adds line numbers to EShell and magit diffs, which just doesn't make sense.
2024-10-16Aligning and adjusting mode-line for better-mode-lineAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Some changes to completionAryadev Chavali
completion-styles, vertico and minibuffer binds.
2024-10-16Small textual and code changesAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16query-replace -> replace-regexp-as-diffAryadev Chavali
New Emacs 30 feature
2024-10-16Adjust font size for new font in personal-solarizedAryadev Chavali
2024-10-14Some updates to Emacs configAryadev Chavali
2024-10-14Changes to Emacs config (can't explain because moving to elpaca)Aryadev Chavali
I'm having issues with freezing the new versions of stuff in straight for Emacs 30. Moving to elpaca to hopefully get out of that.
2024-10-07Some changesAryadev Chavali
2024-10-07Change some config stuffAryadev Chavali
2024-10-06Some documentation for configAryadev Chavali
2024-10-06Disable flycheck mode in C/C++Aryadev Chavali
2024-10-06Add ESC key for empv hydraAryadev Chavali
2024-10-06Install VTerm for EmacsAryadev Chavali
2024-10-06Define a better "I" key for EshellAryadev Chavali
2024-10-05Empv and better +project/generate-tagsAryadev Chavali
2024-10-05Added scratchpad configurationAryadev Chavali
2024-10-05Fix org-clock configurationAryadev Chavali
2024-10-05Add Evil-multieditAryadev Chavali
2024-10-05Some changes to config, mostly bindings and textAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Added binding to find all TODOs in a project via rg.elAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Added better grepping utilities, per file or for the configuration fileAryadev Chavali
Better than (counsel-rg-or-swiper), provides a buffer of results that I can deal with as I want.
2024-10-01GUD configurationAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Configure schemeAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Fix fsan compilation-error-regexpAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Hydra for moving between errorsAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Move mpv module into configuration directlyAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Some general changesAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Switched non tangled sections to also not output resultsAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Add more documentation in configAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Add binds for file-local and directory-local variablesAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Allow EViL to run in the minibufferAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01Emacs theme isn't synced to time, and is loaded after-initAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01(Emacs/elisp)~hide-mode-line is a globalised minor-modeAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01(Emacs/config)~Ivy + Counsel -> IComplete + ConsultAryadev Chavali
Decided to use vanilla packages a bit more, and got a bit bored of Ivy + Counsel.
2024-09-23(Emacs/config)~other small changesAryadev Chavali
2024-09-23(Emacs/config)~text changesAryadev Chavali
2024-09-23(Emacs/config)~remove unnecessary general-def in :general sectionsAryadev Chavali
2024-09-23(Emacs/config)~Small changesAryadev Chavali
2024-09-23(Emacs/config)+markdown-modeAryadev Chavali
Mostly for Eglot documentation.
2024-09-23(Emacs/config)~Convert fsan compilation-error-regexp to an rx callAryadev Chavali
Looks a bit nicer, is Lispy.
2024-09-23(Emacs/config)~Modify haskell configAryadev Chavali