path: root/Doom/.doom.d/org
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
Kinda useless, don't use it anyway.
2020-06-11~remap compile back to the original functiondx
2020-06-11~byte compile config.el and all other filesdx
gotta go fast (except for packages.org)
2020-06-11~theme: molokai -> gruvbox, font size: 17 -> 15dx
2020-06-11-base16 themes and a few other from personaldx
2020-06-11~auto-filled and added binding for auto-fill converterdx
2020-06-11+auto-fill-lines -> truncate-lines functiondx
This function just converts auto-fill to long lines. This is easier to manage and is just easier for me to use.
2020-06-11~literate config -> org-babel-load-*dx
Basically, instead of generating files at every save on Emacs, just load them via org-babel-load-file. This means that I can rely on those functions to compile and manage org file to elisp file conversions. This happens at first run time, and will not compile org files to el files if there have been no changes to the org files.
2020-06-10~alpha: 85 -> 95dx
2020-06-10~cleanup keybinds in config.orgdx
2020-06-10+company config with frontend configurationdx
2020-06-06~auto-fill -> truncate linesdx
This command doesn't work for icomplete, so I can't do this.
2020-05-31~ivy-read -> completing-read for dx:themes/set-new-themedx
completing-read for icomplete-mode but also because it allows others to use it, regardless of completion framework of choice
2020-05-31~dx:newline function config.org -> personal.orgdx
2020-05-31~using icomplete command means that I don't need counsel bindingsdx
2020-05-31~symbol setupdx
2020-05-25~corrected calctex linkdx
2020-05-25+bind to stop doom default bindings from taking the local leaderdx
2020-05-25+binding to open newlines without using o/Odx
2020-05-25~auto-fill-mode -> visual-line-mode, +org-toggle-latexdx
2020-05-25~auto filled lines to long linesdx
2020-05-25~pretty-code snippet: delete offending itemdx
2020-05-24~hook -> setq c-indent-styledx
I'd rather just have the style set
2020-05-24~set SPC-SPC to execute-extended-commanddx
If I turn off Ivy I should still be able to use SPC SPC
2020-05-24+recompile bindings for compilation bufferdx
2020-05-24+bind to M-s occurdx
2020-05-24~localleader , -> 'SPC ,' and ivy-read -> completing-readdx
2020-05-20~make SPC-cc compiledx
2020-05-20~formatting in config.eldx
2020-05-20~haskell configdx
2020-05-17~proper hook for calctexdx
2020-05-17~ace window binding to lower wdx
I use that binding a lot, makes sense to use lower w instead
2020-05-17-lsp-ui-doc-mode hooksdx
In hindsight, lsp-ui-mode only makes lsp-mode more intrusive, slow and buggy. It's better to rely on other Emacs and Doom systems (+lookup* for example) for some of the stuff that it gives rather than it.
2020-05-14+hook to org mode for auto-fill-modedx
2020-05-14+configuration for rangerdx
Just hidden files and cleanup really, those were the two things that annoyed me the most about doom-vanilla ranger.
2020-05-14+Calc configuration +calctexdx
Setting up hooks and keymaps, as well as radians mode for calc. Calctex mode makes calc look nicer, some eyecandy
2020-05-14+added funny memedx
hahah please laugh
2020-05-13+quit parameter to popup-rule in literatedx
2020-05-13+org-fragtog-mode to org-mode-hookdx
2020-05-13~moved thesaurus to org sectiondx
2020-05-13+Emacs splash screensdx
2020-05-13~set superstar headline bulletsdx
Default doom emacs ones get a bit stale after a while, so I set these new ones with differing polygons! They progress by number of vertices.
2020-05-11+hook to set c-style to user on cc-mode-hookdx
2020-05-10+narrowing module, from narrowing handler in config.orgdx
2020-05-10+bind to M-c for count-wordsdx
When using visual mode, I often require the size of the selected region. My modeline doesn't currently have a method of displaying selected text properties, so I set this. Only works in visual mode.
2020-05-10~clean p the narrow state configdx
Basically, setq -> defvar and using cond instead of if due to the ability to do multiple conditions for the body of an 'if'. I might make this a module actually.
2020-05-05+prettify-symbols config in packages configdx
This is easier to do, I found another problem with it so I moved the C++ config to one universal one.
2020-05-05+yaml packagesdx