AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-04-12~from relative numbering to no numberingoreodave
2020-04-12+fzf config to zshoreodave
2020-04-12~all headings #->##oreodave
2020-04-12~pf_info setting and +vim cursor changes for zshoreodave
2020-04-12+kitty configuration for terminaloreodave
2020-04-12~Moved i3 configuration files into i3/*oreodave
2020-04-12+blueman applet startup to i3.conforeodave
2020-04-12~keyboard volume commands now use @DEFAULT_SINK@oreodave
2020-04-12+using picom (compositor) now, alacritty -> kittyoreodave
2020-04-12~some aesthetic settings in i3.conforeodave
2020-04-12+projectile config, +cmakelists.txt to root-filesoreodave
2020-04-12+binding to org mode to make latex files from orgoreodave
2020-04-07+set kbd map to GBoreodave
2020-04-07+basically all the stuff I use from omz to zshrcoreodave
2020-04-07+switched to ArchOSoreodave
2020-04-07+tmux-navigator to vimoreodave
2020-04-07~user oreodave -> dxoreodave
2020-04-07~vivaldi -> qutebrowseroreodave
2020-04-07~zshenv -> zshrcoreodave
2020-04-07+quick list of items in the readmeodave
2020-04-07~cleaning up configodave
2020-04-06+bind for vivaldiodave
2020-04-06~split C/C++ configuration into sectionsodave
2020-04-06~set display-line-numbers to relativeodave
2020-04-06+bind to change backgroundodave
2020-04-06~i3 status doesn't need a config lineodave
2020-04-06-removed commentsodave
2020-04-06~setup lock and bg variables in i3odave
2020-04-06~translated writers.org content into config.orgodave
2020-04-05~restructured the elfeed package config for literacyodave
2020-04-05~redo the dashboard functionsodave
2020-04-05+snippet for a default media review in ~/Textodave
2020-04-05-delete some stuff from zshenvodave
2020-04-05~set some bar propertiesodave
2020-04-05~merged all rofi bindsodave
2020-04-05+scratchpad binds for use in i3odave
2020-04-05~some aestheticsodave
2020-04-05+lock command to abstract away constant argumentsodave
2020-04-05~solarized-dark -> monokaiodave
2020-04-05~Keymap -> Key-mapodave
2020-04-05~make review open keybindodave
2020-04-05~Just use lambda for open dotfilesodave
2020-04-05~make the directory "~/Text" for org-agenda-filesodave
2020-04-05~interval for status bar 1 -> 5odave
2020-04-05+PluginClean to reload bindingodave
2020-04-05+recursive path variableodave
2020-04-05-opam config in vimodave
2020-04-05~removed quite a few plugins, moving to normal vimodave
2020-03-29~changed hook to lsp!odave
2020-03-29+READMEs for both ocaml and oreolineodave