AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-08-25~now using find-tag instead of list-tagoreodave
2019-08-25+keybind for switching project buffersoreodave
2019-08-25+lazy loading to prefixesoreodave
2019-08-25~collating similar prefix keybindsoreodave
2019-08-25+keybind for c# unit test functionoreodave
2019-08-25-old keybinds removed, now in doomoreodave
2019-08-25+execute async subprocess to run full testoreodave
2019-08-25+ivy interface that uses the test method namesoreodave
2019-08-25+testing functionality of omnisharporeodave
2019-08-25+Advanced workflow for tag generationoreodave
2019-08-25~renamed Keybinds and tricksoreodave
2019-08-23+keybind to oreodave/reloadoreodave
2019-08-23+custom functions, with reload functionoreodave
2019-08-22+config for nvm, node version manageroreodave
2019-08-22+perfix for font size adjustmentoreodave
2019-08-22+window keybind to swap windows aroundoreodave
2019-08-22~ag -> ripgreporeodave
2019-08-22-calendar keybind: don't use itoreodave
2019-08-22+mmm-mode to hopefully configure c# mode a bit moreoreodave
2019-08-22+headings for packages for organisationoreodave
2019-08-17+Keybind, and a context fieldoreodave
2019-08-17+Keybind via eviloreodave
2019-08-17+two custom indent variables for js and pugoreodave
2019-08-15~Moved tmux higheroreodave
2019-08-15+tmuxinator optionaloreodave
2019-08-15+Tmux dependencyoreodave
2019-08-15+variables for tmuxinatororeodave
2019-08-15~CONS cell has to be prefix . descoreodave
2019-08-11+company arduino modeoreodave
2019-08-11Added arduino template to template funcoreodave
2019-08-11~Path to be a constantoreodave
2019-08-11Updating custom variablesoreodave
2019-08-11+Arduino mode for roboticsoreodave
2019-08-11~Put everything under Custom headingoreodave
2019-08-11+Ignore completion caseoreodave
2019-08-08+auto-mode for ejs -> web modeoreodave
2019-08-08+Dependency on zeal/dash (mostly zeal)oreodave
2019-08-08+Put absolute path to docsetsoreodave
2019-08-06+Pass password manager for toolsoreodave
2019-08-06~Moved around some recordsoreodave
2019-08-06~Wakatime key retrieval, will now get it from passoreodave
2019-08-06-Elcord global modeoreodave
2019-08-05+Keybind to open a full make interfaceoreodave
2019-08-05~Example for github repo: fetcher -> hostoreodave
2019-08-05+Warning level to emergencyoreodave
2019-08-05+Keybinds and tricks heading, with bind tableoreodave
2019-08-05~Way of documenting code in org code blocksoreodave
2019-08-05-Parts of preclude - already covered in readmeoreodave
2019-08-05~Projectile generate tags commandoreodave
2019-08-05+Keybind for searching via ripgrep (<SPC>/r)oreodave