AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-03-25(Emacs)-preambles, just make it part of the main text bodyAryadev Chavali
2021-03-25(Emacs)~cleaned up loads of bindings into one use-package declAryadev Chavali
2021-03-25(Emacs)-table of contents from org file in exportsAryadev Chavali
2021-03-25(Scripts)~use SystemD for eselectAryadev Chavali
2021-03-25(Emacs)+byte compilation and messages to +literate/compile-configAryadev Chavali
2021-03-25(Emacs)~clean up code as a result of byte compileAryadev Chavali
2021-03-25(Emacs)~clean up modelines for refined outputAryadev Chavali
2021-03-25(Emacs)~straight thawed versionsAryadev Chavali
2021-03-25(Emacs)~minor editsAryadev Chavali
2021-03-25(Emacs)+telephone-line configAryadev Chavali
2021-03-25(Emacs)~minor edits and configurationsAryadev Chavali
2021-03-25(Emacs)~disable ido and use ivyAryadev Chavali
2021-03-25(Emacs)~move Amx to core packagesAryadev Chavali
2021-03-25(Emacs)~async-shell-command use-package async -> simpleAryadev Chavali
2021-03-25(SystemD)+emacs service as part of new SystemD moduleAryadev Chavali
2021-03-25(Repo)+emacs eglot eclipse cache to ignoreAryadev Chavali
2021-03-24(Emacs)~clean up codeAryadev Chavali
2021-03-24(Emacs)~evil-magit -> evil-collection-magitAryadev Chavali
2021-03-24(Emacs)+local-leader binds,~org-fragtog -> inbuilt org-latex-previewAryadev Chavali
2021-03-24(Zathura)+init configAryadev Chavali
2021-03-24(Emacs)~xwidget added some new featuresAryadev Chavali
2021-03-24(Emacs)~moved =Emacs Mode-line= to =Core Packages=Aryadev Chavali
2021-03-24(Emacs)~html_container setup for headings, html export is nicerAryadev Chavali
2021-03-24(Emacs)~split XWidget Core: XWidget Core + XWidget ExtensionsAryadev Chavali
2021-03-24(Emacs)+local-leader and some binds for dired and eshell using itAryadev Chavali
2021-03-23(Emacs)~eglot C/C++ lsp server ccls->clangdAryadev Chavali
2021-03-23(Emacs)~formatting and minor edits for clarity and suchAryadev Chavali
2021-03-22(Repo)~most ignore records use root directoryAryadev Chavali
2021-03-22(Repo)+ignore some files in Emacs and DoomAryadev Chavali
2021-03-22(Emacs)+ton of evil bindings, especially switching certain functionsAryadev Chavali
2021-03-22(Emacs)+leader binding to switch to dashboardAryadev Chavali
2021-03-22(Emacs)~propagate change in keybinding for isearch in isearch-mode-mapAryadev Chavali
2021-03-22(Emacs)~avy-goto-char-timer now uses C-s, switching with isearchAryadev Chavali
2021-03-22(Emacs)+display record for calendarAryadev Chavali
2021-03-22(Emacs)~dired-listing-switches to reduce noise of dired windowAryadev Chavali
2021-03-22(Emacs)~calc-mode now has display record and uses evil-collectionAryadev Chavali
2021-03-22(Emacs)~clang-format package now uses default sys installationAryadev Chavali
2021-03-22(Emacs)+hl-todo package configurationAryadev Chavali
2021-03-22(Emacs)~minor edits to text and preamblesAryadev Chavali
2021-03-22(Scripts)~make music_update_bar sleep 1 -> 0.5sAryadev Chavali
2021-03-22(XServer)~comment out all themes in xresourcesAryadev Chavali
2021-03-22(SXHkD)~Print -> super + shift + sAryadev Chavali
2021-03-22(ClangFormat)+align consecutive statements in clang formatAryadev Chavali
2021-03-17(Scripts)+time has finished prompt for timerAryadev Chavali
2021-03-17(Emacs)~small changes, -counsel etagsAryadev Chavali
2021-03-15(Emacs)+set coding system and blinking-cursorAryadev Chavali
2021-03-12(Emacs)~change names of abbrevs to 4 letters for efficiencyAryadev Chavali
2021-03-12(Emacs)+web-mode-code-indent-offset to 2Aryadev Chavali
2021-03-12(Emacs)+command to compile via comint modeAryadev Chavali
2021-03-12(SXHkD)~bindings related to music should use spotifyAryadev Chavali