AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-05-05~.emacs.d -> .config/emacs, XDG conventionsdx
2020-05-05+braces to end of org keymapdx
2020-05-05+custom rss moduledx
When using the inbuilt RSS module, this becomes my personal config for that module. However, when not using that and instead using the newsticker inbuilt for Emacs, I've got a config for that as well.
2020-05-05+default frame alpha settingdx
Make Emacs slightly transparent, might as well use the compositor.
2020-05-05~bindings for section jumping to jump-itemdx
Section jumping can be done through the square bracket binds, which are actually quite intuitive. So I instead bound TAB to be jump item (usually in vim it's "%") which allows me to quick jump around files.
2020-05-05~rearranged some documenting content in config.orgdx
2020-05-05~cl -> cl-lib along with functions cl-*dx
This was why I was getting the error, by using cl-* name spacing, I remove the errors Emacs kept giving me.
2020-05-05~setq -> defvar: custom variables in gentemplatedx
defvar allows me to add some documentation on what they are and how to use them, always nice.
2020-05-05~rofi -> dmenudx
I like dmenu's aesthetic more; it's much more discrete.
2020-05-05~put all execs to end of i3 configdx
2020-05-05-narrowing binds for org modedx
The normal 'z{nN}' binds are good enough for me.
2020-05-05~Header args option to stop results outputdx
This is so my codeblocks don't clutter the org file.
2020-05-05~put mpd in . folderdx
2020-05-05+init.el for custom emacs configurationdx
Trying my hand at a custom emacs config on my own
2020-05-05~doom.d -> Doom/.doom.ddx
Proper naming, GNU/Stow style.
2020-05-05~some changesdx
CmakeLists, libgen, etc
2020-05-05+clang format to dotfilesdx
A nice and useful tool, so might as well keep it.
2020-04-24-delete.sh and filesdx
No need for delete, I'll just stow -d what I don't want. Files dependency no longer needed.
2020-04-24~install.sh to use gnu stow now as well as a few more changesdx
No files dependency
2020-04-24~Moved all files to respective folders for gnu stowdx
2020-04-24+emacsclient binding to i3dx
2020-04-24+gnuplot doom moduledx
2020-04-24~refactor custom functions oreodave/->dx:dx
e.g. oreodave/debug -> dx:debug This makes namespacing a lot more noticeable, and less cringy to look at.
2020-04-18+binding for loading latex fragmentsdx
2020-04-18~changed modeline for zshrcdx
The modeline at the top of zshrc used to state the filename as zshenv. It is now zshrc.
2020-04-18+ibuffer with icons to doom emacsdx
Extra support with all-the-icons support for ibuffer, a great buffer manager.
2020-04-18~changed some commandsdx
~shell-command -> async-shell-command +undo-tree-visualise to code bind
2020-04-18~clean up whitespacedx
2020-04-18~split dap into two sectionsdx
2020-04-17~move around a few thingsdx
-the resize bindings for arrow keys
2020-04-15~made background slightly more opaquedx
2020-04-15~moved menu vim binds to correct sectiondx
2020-04-15~switched to py3status for all my status bar needsdx
A lot more flexible, easy to use and nicer to look at.
2020-04-15~This section has changed to general keybinddx
2020-04-15~categorized misc into leader and nonleaderdx
This is because I want to add binds for section browsing in the 'g' normal motion prefix. This is misc but not a leader bind, so I made it a specific item
2020-04-15+narrowing keybind to code subleaderdx
This keybind will narrow into a singular function when the cursor is on the function line
2020-04-15~i3.conf -> configdx
i3 won't recognize it in the .i3 folder without naming it this.
2020-04-15+put rss in config.el directlydx
2020-04-12-removed binding from tmuxoreodave
Not recognized
2020-04-12~from relative numbering to no numberingoreodave
I'll just use SPC t l
2020-04-12+fzf config to zshoreodave
2020-04-12~all headings #->##oreodave
2020-04-12~pf_info setting and +vim cursor changes for zshoreodave
2020-04-12+kitty configuration for terminaloreodave
2020-04-12~Moved i3 configuration files into i3/*oreodave
Easier to manage, cleaner to read
2020-04-12+blueman applet startup to i3.conforeodave
2020-04-12~keyboard volume commands now use @DEFAULT_SINK@oreodave
These commands are to the pulseaudio server, which has a default sink variable so if I decide to go to Bluetooth for my default output, it will adjust for me.
2020-04-12+using picom (compositor) now, alacritty -> kittyoreodave
I'm now using picom for my compositor, which is buggy for alacritty when doing restarts. Kitty doesn't suffer from this. Kitty has slight lag in comparison to alacritty, but I'll take slow down that for the benefit of a compositor.
2020-04-12~some aesthetic settings in i3.conforeodave
Also changed lockscreen image to milkyway
2020-04-12+projectile config, +cmakelists.txt to root-filesoreodave