AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-09-27(Emacs)+org-quote theming to monokaiAryadev Chavali
Just make it slanted and use a mono font
2020-09-27(Emacs)+version lockfileAryadev Chavali
2020-09-27(Shell)+zshrc now has emdir to go directly to emacs directoryAryadev Chavali
2020-09-21(Emacs)~avy M-s avy-goto-char-2 -> avy-goto-char-timerAryadev Chavali
2020-09-21(Emacs)~monokai theme now has company themingAryadev Chavali
2020-09-21(Emacs)~monokai theme string face SeaGreen -> yellow greenAryadev Chavali
Easier to look at
2020-09-21(Emacs)~theme personal -> monokaiAryadev Chavali
2020-09-21(Emacs)~Move smartparens and hook to text packagesAryadev Chavali
2020-09-21(Emacs)~org core -> OC Config, OC Bindings and OC variablesAryadev Chavali
Big org block is better in smaller blocks
2020-09-21(Emacs)~Core -> <package> CoreAryadev Chavali
Easier to grep
2020-09-21(Scripts)~eserver -> eselectAryadev Chavali
Remove eserver cos it's useless and integrate emacsclient into eselect
2020-09-21(Dotfiles)-dir-localsAryadev Chavali
Doesn't actually help in any way
2020-09-21(Emacs)~switch to double spaces for sentence breaksAryadev Chavali
This is actually how Emacs handles sentences, learn something new everyday.
2020-09-21(Emacs)~whitespace-style now doesn't record spacesAryadev Chavali
2020-09-21(Emacs)+monokai themeAryadev Chavali
New format for commits, but basically a new theme that follows the doom-molokai theme
2020-09-16+lots of changes that I cba to logAryadev Chavali
2020-09-16+dmenu script for Emacs and eserver launchingAryadev Chavali
2020-09-16init.el:~use-package doesn't demand or defer -y/n to exit EmacsAryadev Chavali
2020-09-16~renamed theme with some extrasAryadev Chavali
2020-09-16+alias to clear so that it double clears in eshellAryadev Chavali
2020-09-06~constant face is now slate grayAryadev Chavali
2020-09-06+whitesapce fonts to grayscaleAryadev Chavali
2020-09-01~indented elfeed-feeds initAryadev Chavali
2020-09-01+eshell prompt function to make it look nicerAryadev Chavali
2020-09-01~xwidget configurationAryadev Chavali
Just new functionality, read it to know
2020-09-01+hook for org-msg mode mail-mode-hookAryadev Chavali
2020-09-01-notmuch after decl for org-msgAryadev Chavali
2020-09-01~custom declaration in smtpmailAryadev Chavali
2020-09-01~rearrange notmuch configAryadev Chavali
2020-09-01+avy leader sg -> M-s for avy-goto-char-2Aryadev Chavali
2020-09-01+yas load directory via no-literringAryadev Chavali
2020-09-01+proced and process-list window management recordsAryadev Chavali
2020-09-01+proced configurationAryadev Chavali
Some bindings mostly.
2020-09-01+some more symbols ~indentingAryadev Chavali
2020-09-01~:bind -> :general for bindingsAryadev Chavali
2020-09-01+evil collection for procedAryadev Chavali
2020-09-01+evil lionAryadev Chavali
2020-09-01~lambda () -> procAryadev Chavali
2020-09-01+macro to create a non-argument lambda: a procedureAryadev Chavali
2020-09-01+alias d for dired other frameAryadev Chavali
2020-09-01+emacs mail directoryAryadev Chavali
2020-09-01~no littering ignore directoriesAryadev Chavali
2020-09-01~ssh-agent and ssh-addAryadev Chavali
2020-09-01~directory for straight returnedAryadev Chavali
2020-09-01+eshell prompt colouring for grayscaleAryadev Chavali
2020-09-01~no littering, move some stuff aroundAryadev Chavali
2020-08-28+ssh-agent to xinitAryadev Chavali
No need for ssh passwords when I can use the ssh agent
2020-08-28+ls -la bind to lAryadev Chavali
2020-08-28-super bind on XF86 audio binds: I can just use the audio keysAryadev Chavali
2020-08-28-customize settingsAryadev Chavali
Stored in separate file