AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-07-16~decomposed startup module into personal configdx
2020-07-15~~/.doom.d -> ~/.config/doomdx
2020-07-15~clean up bindingsdx
2020-07-15+autocd option to zshdx
This allows me to instantly go to a directory just by typing its name
2020-07-15+set default terminal as Suckless Terminaldx
2020-07-15+media terms to launch_musicdx
Similar to dev class terminals, I've added an option to dwm to make 'media-term' class terminals stay in the 3rd workspace (media workspace).
2020-07-15+xresources file, with xrdb call in xprofiledx
2020-07-15-a lot of my vim configdx
What's the point of trying to make my vim config more like doom, when I can just let vim do the thing it's best at: quick edits. So my shortcuts should reflect this.
2020-07-15~clean up scriptsdx
Remove any redundant info, only leaving what is absolutely necessary.
2020-07-15+sxhkd bind to open dev terminalsdx
I've added an option in dwm to place 'Dev' class terminals in the 5th workspace, so I've also added a bind to open dev class terminals easily.
2020-07-15+major refactors to vanilla Emacs configdx
Developed quite a bit of the config. I've added a literate org config, loaded through the init.el file. Furthermore, I've added some basic general maps and have gained a much better understanding of Emacs than before. This refactor is one of the main reasons I decided to so heavily refactor my doom config.
2020-07-15+doom monokai-classic option to my personal themesdx
2020-07-15~custom variablesdx
2020-07-15+org mode hack againdx
Doesn't seem to work without it, I might need to add an issue or something.
2020-07-15~set alpha a bit lowerdx
2020-07-15~compactify setq to one instancedx
2020-07-15~molokai->monokai-classic, font options provideddx
2020-07-15!REFACTOR: cleaning doomdx
This refactor removes a lot of the 'training wheels' that doom provides (i.e. no modeline, bindings, etc). Instead, I defined my own modules and systems to help with those tasks. I am now using the default emacs modeline, customised to my liking, as well as the default scratch buffer as my startup page. This basically allows me to have a finer degree of control over what my Emacs is doing, which is great as I can remove redundant pieces that I don't use.
2020-07-12~go back to molokaidx
2020-07-12~decompose the other section to its subject partsdx
2020-07-12~set prompt colorsdx
2020-07-12~clean up python, C and Haskell configdx
squash! ~clean up python and C sections of config
2020-07-12+script: show album art for playing track on mpddx
2020-07-12~rearrange bindings for mpvdx
2020-07-12+set alternate editor for emacsclient to be emacsdx
2020-07-12+script to show uptime on status bardx
2020-07-09+alarm script in python for hour-based alarms via notify-senddx
2020-07-09+sxhkd bind to reload xprofiledx
2020-07-09~moved super + Escape bind to top of sxhkddx
2020-07-09-removed hard seek binds for mpvdx
This removes the minute skips in mpv, as I don't use them
2020-07-09-space in output string for battery dwmbar scriptdx
2020-07-09+titles for each terminal in launch_musicdx
2020-07-09+memory script for dwmbardx
2020-07-09+script to update dwmbar based on music changesdx
2020-07-09~renamed filedx
2020-07-07-pdf applet from Emacsdx
Use zathura for pdf
2020-07-07+bindings for eshell and a qnotes filedx
2020-07-07+bindings config for direddx
2020-07-07~clean up some englishdx
2020-07-07-instant startx, do it myselfdx
2020-07-07~mupdf -> xdg default appdx
2020-07-07+printscreen launcherdx
2020-07-07~bspwm -> dwmdx
Moved back to dwm, commented out bspwm binds and reset xinit
2020-07-07+delete binding to ncmpcppdx
2020-07-07~scripts with better simpler iconsdx
2020-07-07-rules from bspwmrcdx
2020-06-27+devour function for zshrcdx
This destroys the terminal after launching the script
2020-06-27-straight and ~formattingdx
2020-06-27+set hibernate time to 1800sdx
2020-06-27~rearrange scriptsdx