AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-10-16Hook display-line-numbers-mode to prog-mode and text-modeAryadev Chavali
Better than global-display-line-numbers-mode, which adds line numbers to EShell and magit diffs, which just doesn't make sense.
2024-10-16Aligning and adjusting mode-line for better-mode-lineAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Some changes to completionAryadev Chavali
completion-styles, vertico and minibuffer binds.
2024-10-16Small textual and code changesAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16query-replace -> replace-regexp-as-diffAryadev Chavali
New Emacs 30 feature
2024-10-16Adjust font size for new font in personal-solarizedAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16add relative line numbers to neovimAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Update copyright noticesAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Delete rofi configAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Remote emoticons script binding in SXHkDAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Switch alias `d` in eshell from `dired .` to `dired-jump`Aryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Ignore tree-sitterAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Fix weird error with straight-vc-git-default-clone-depthAryadev Chavali
Need to file an error in straight.el
2024-10-16Add dmenu source code to +search/directoriesAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Some changes to personal-solarizedAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Use cl-remove-if-not instead of +literate/filter in literate.elAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Remove timestamp from eshell-prompt and change colour of directoriesAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Rework +eshell/at-cwd to use changes to +eshell/openAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Rework +eshell/open to work better with multiple instances.Aryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Inline error-msg in +eshell/project-rootAryadev Chavali
2024-10-16Extend +eshell/goto to allow finding filesAryadev Chavali
Instead of only looking at directories, +eshell/goto now works with files. If a directory is selected, set eshell to that directory. If a file is selected, make eshell go to the directory where that file is contained then use find-file.
2024-10-16Delete old aliases fileAryadev Chavali
2024-10-15Change snippet for sh-mode for shebangs bang -> #!Aryadev Chavali
2024-10-15Upgrade straight versions lock file (default.el)Aryadev Chavali
2024-10-14Added script to connect via bluetooth to already known deviceAryadev Chavali
2024-10-14Some updates to Emacs configAryadev Chavali
2024-10-14Update some scripts and SXHkD configAryadev Chavali
2024-10-14New neovim configAryadev Chavali
Uses lazy nvim and Lua instead of the old Vundle and vimscript setup.
2024-10-14Changes to Emacs config (can't explain because moving to elpaca)Aryadev Chavali
I'm having issues with freezing the new versions of stuff in straight for Emacs 30. Moving to elpaca to hopefully get out of that.
2024-10-07Added an alias to EshellAryadev Chavali
2024-10-07Some changesAryadev Chavali
2024-10-07Change some config stuffAryadev Chavali
2024-10-06Some documentation for configAryadev Chavali
2024-10-06Disable flycheck mode in C/C++Aryadev Chavali
2024-10-06Add ESC key for empv hydraAryadev Chavali
2024-10-06Install VTerm for EmacsAryadev Chavali
2024-10-06Define a better "I" key for EshellAryadev Chavali
2024-10-05Empv and better +project/generate-tagsAryadev Chavali
2024-10-05Added scratchpad configurationAryadev Chavali
2024-10-05Fix org-clock configurationAryadev Chavali
2024-10-05Add Evil-multieditAryadev Chavali
2024-10-05Update aliasesAryadev Chavali
2024-10-05Update dwmblocks status bar in SXHkD instead of using notify-sendAryadev Chavali
2024-10-05Add brightness to statdisplayAryadev Chavali
2024-10-05Add brightness script for statusbarAryadev Chavali
2024-10-05Update org-mode pinAryadev Chavali
2024-10-05Make license-choice have possible tagsAryadev Chavali
2024-10-05Some changes to config, mostly bindings and textAryadev Chavali
2024-10-05Update game scoresAryadev Chavali
2024-10-01General emacsclient alias not dependent on ZSHAryadev Chavali