AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-05-12+xmodmap and xinitrcdx
Theses are the files that dictate the startx routine. I don't use a login manager as I don't need one. The last statement in xinitrc represents the wm I'm using. Xmodmap maps the caps lock to hyper, which I can use as an extra layer system for sxhkdrc, allowing even more key combinations.
2020-05-12+script to setup music workspace using stdx
2020-05-12~use backgroudn script instead of feh call in sxhkdrcdx
2020-05-12+scripts to version controldx
Stored in .local/scripts, scripts I use for my init. I will be adding my xinit shortly for a full experience.
2020-05-12+neovim configdx
As I'm now going to be using neovim as my editor, here's a config for it
2020-05-12-gentemplate offline commanddx
Most of the time I'm doing something like this, I'll just do the copying myself.
2020-05-12~launch.sh -> launch_polybardx
2020-05-12~rearranged a few thignsdx
2020-05-12~zsh -> Shelldx
2020-05-12~Broke zshrc into .zprofile and .config/zsh/.zshrcdx
2020-05-12+clang format allow short loopsdx
Eye candy.
2020-05-12+company childframe module in doomdx
2020-05-12+sxhkd configdx
Useful config that can be universally used for all wms
2020-05-11+hook to set c-style to user on cc-mode-hookdx
2020-05-11+fira to pretty codedx
Actually works now
2020-05-11+private narrow module to init.eldx
2020-05-11~moved some stuff into the .local directorydx
The scripts folder is now in the ~/.local/scripts location, .local/src has my custom repos (DWM, DMENU, etc).
2020-05-10+narrowing module, from narrowing handler in config.orgdx
2020-05-10+bind to M-c for count-wordsdx
When using visual mode, I often require the size of the selected region. My modeline doesn't currently have a method of displaying selected text properties, so I set this. Only works in visual mode.
2020-05-10~clean p the narrow state configdx
Basically, setq -> defvar and using cond instead of if due to the ability to do multiple conditions for the body of an 'if'. I might make this a module actually.
2020-05-10~fboundp -> bound-and-true-p for lsp-mode checkdx
2020-05-06~better implementation of lsp segmentdx
Checks if lsp-workspaces has been defined.
2020-05-06~formattign for oreoline/config.eldx
2020-05-05+feed in +rss/feed-urlsdx
2020-05-05+support for unlimited tags in +rss/feed-urlsdx
This uses the second cdr of any one feed-url item, which is the remaining args in there.
2020-05-05+prettify-symbols config in packages configdx
This is easier to do, I found another problem with it so I moved the C++ config to one universal one.
2020-05-05+yaml packagesdx
2020-05-05~fonts, spacing and othersdx
2020-05-05+suctl alias for terminaldx
suctl = systemctl --user, useful for user services.
2020-05-05-removed editor configdx
Seems to be screwing up my config in some form, elisp is being formatted in a way I don't like. More to research I guess.
2020-05-05~spaces -> tabsdx
Formatting included
2020-05-05~literate/load-files instead of trying to guess themdx
2020-05-05+popup rule for async-shell-command bufferdx
2020-05-05~call-process -> async-shell-commanddx
Async shell command gives me a buffer for my output, is faster as it's async rather than blocking my Emacs, and all around better to use.
2020-05-05~setq -> defvardx
2020-05-05+editor configdx
Switching from spaces to tabs because tabs are better for everyone to use.
2020-05-05+polybar to i3 configdx
Will now start instead of py3status bar. I've still got the config there in case I want to try it some other time.
2020-05-05+simple launch script for polybardx
2020-05-05+some custom polybar scriptdx
Pretty simple, just paste some text on the screen. I've realised that my problem with i3blocks wasn't the lack of complexity, but rather the lack of variety, which polybar allows me to access.
2020-05-05+polybar config filedx
2020-05-05~.emacs.d -> .config/emacs, XDG conventionsdx
2020-05-05+braces to end of org keymapdx
2020-05-05+custom rss moduledx
When using the inbuilt RSS module, this becomes my personal config for that module. However, when not using that and instead using the newsticker inbuilt for Emacs, I've got a config for that as well.
2020-05-05+default frame alpha settingdx
Make Emacs slightly transparent, might as well use the compositor.
2020-05-05~bindings for section jumping to jump-itemdx
Section jumping can be done through the square bracket binds, which are actually quite intuitive. So I instead bound TAB to be jump item (usually in vim it's "%") which allows me to quick jump around files.
2020-05-05~rearranged some documenting content in config.orgdx
2020-05-05~cl -> cl-lib along with functions cl-*dx
This was why I was getting the error, by using cl-* name spacing, I remove the errors Emacs kept giving me.
2020-05-05~setq -> defvar: custom variables in gentemplatedx
defvar allows me to add some documentation on what they are and how to use them, always nice.
2020-05-05~rofi -> dmenudx
I like dmenu's aesthetic more; it's much more discrete.
2020-05-05~put all execs to end of i3 configdx