AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-05-05+braces to end of org keymapdx
2020-05-05+custom rss moduledx
2020-05-05+default frame alpha settingdx
2020-05-05~bindings for section jumping to jump-itemdx
2020-05-05~rearranged some documenting content in config.orgdx
2020-05-05~cl -> cl-lib along with functions cl-*dx
2020-05-05~setq -> defvar: custom variables in gentemplatedx
2020-05-05~rofi -> dmenudx
2020-05-05~put all execs to end of i3 configdx
2020-05-05-narrowing binds for org modedx
2020-05-05~Header args option to stop results outputdx
2020-05-05~put mpd in . folderdx
2020-05-05+init.el for custom emacs configurationdx
2020-05-05~doom.d -> Doom/.doom.ddx
2020-05-05~some changesdx
2020-05-05+clang format to dotfilesdx
2020-04-24-delete.sh and filesdx
2020-04-24~install.sh to use gnu stow now as well as a few more changesdx
2020-04-24~Moved all files to respective folders for gnu stowdx
2020-04-24+emacsclient binding to i3dx
2020-04-24+gnuplot doom moduledx
2020-04-24~refactor custom functions oreodave/->dx:dx
2020-04-18+binding for loading latex fragmentsdx
2020-04-18~changed modeline for zshrcdx
2020-04-18+ibuffer with icons to doom emacsdx
2020-04-18~changed some commandsdx
2020-04-18~clean up whitespacedx
2020-04-18~split dap into two sectionsdx
2020-04-17~move around a few thingsdx
2020-04-15~made background slightly more opaquedx
2020-04-15~moved menu vim binds to correct sectiondx
2020-04-15~switched to py3status for all my status bar needsdx
2020-04-15~This section has changed to general keybinddx
2020-04-15~categorized misc into leader and nonleaderdx
2020-04-15+narrowing keybind to code subleaderdx
2020-04-15~i3.conf -> configdx
2020-04-15+put rss in config.el directlydx
2020-04-12-removed binding from tmuxoreodave
2020-04-12~from relative numbering to no numberingoreodave
2020-04-12+fzf config to zshoreodave
2020-04-12~all headings #->##oreodave
2020-04-12~pf_info setting and +vim cursor changes for zshoreodave
2020-04-12+kitty configuration for terminaloreodave
2020-04-12~Moved i3 configuration files into i3/*oreodave
2020-04-12+blueman applet startup to i3.conforeodave
2020-04-12~keyboard volume commands now use @DEFAULT_SINK@oreodave
2020-04-12+using picom (compositor) now, alacritty -> kittyoreodave
2020-04-12~some aesthetic settings in i3.conforeodave
2020-04-12+projectile config, +cmakelists.txt to root-filesoreodave
2020-04-12+binding to org mode to make latex files from orgoreodave