path: root/doom.d/modules
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doom.d/modules')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/doom.d/modules/config.org b/doom.d/modules/config.org
index e1f5de6..38b6bd9 100644
--- a/doom.d/modules/config.org
+++ b/doom.d/modules/config.org
@@ -351,15 +351,9 @@ each of the unit tests ran."
(:after counsel ; Counsel or ivy
:desc "M-x" "<SPC>" #'counsel-M-x ; Redefine as M-x because of my muscle memory with spacemacs
:desc "Find file here" "f." #'counsel-find-file ; Sometimes use this instead of <SPC>ff
- (:prefix ("/" . "search")
- :desc "FZF!" "f" #'counsel-fzf ; Just in case I need a counsel-ui for a gitignored directory
+ (:prefix ("s" . "search")
:desc "RipGrep!" "r" #'counsel-rg ; Ripgrep is faster than Ag in most cases and makes me feel cool
- :desc "Search Tags" "t" #'counsel-etags-find-tag
- :desc "List Tags" "T" #'counsel-etags-list-tag
- :desc "Buffer Tags" "s" #'counsel-imenu
- :desc "Lookup" "o" #'+lookup/online
- :desc "Lookup select" "O" #'+lookup/online-select
- :desc "Search buffer" "/" #'swiper-isearch)); is quicker to do than <SPC>/b, for something that is done so often
+ :desc "Search Tags" "t" #'counsel-etags-find-tag)); is quicker to do than <SPC>/b, for something that is done so often
(:prefix ("w" . "window") ; Windows
:desc "Close window" "d" #'+workspace/close-window-or-workspace ; is slightly closer together than <SPC>wc