path: root/doom.d/config.org
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doom.d/config.org')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/doom.d/config.org b/doom.d/config.org
index 4352c30..a57ba5f 100644
--- a/doom.d/config.org
+++ b/doom.d/config.org
@@ -54,7 +54,9 @@ doom private directory.
Open a Dired session to the books directory in the org-directory.
** Change theme
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
-(setq oreodave/theme-list '(doom-solarized-dark doom-gruvbox doom-city-lights doom-outrun-electric doom-vibrant doom-molokai doom-solarized-light doom-acario-light))
+(setq oreodave/theme-list '(doom-solarized-dark doom-gruvbox doom-city-lights
+ doom-outrun-electric doom-vibrant doom-molokai
+ doom-solarized-light doom-acario-light))
(defun oreodave/set-new-theme ()
"Set the theme from my own selection, mutate as you see fit"
@@ -133,7 +135,7 @@ loaded, and easily add new ignores if necessary. Add a new ignore to the tags-al
- :desc "Start debugging setup" "cD" 'oreodave/debug))
+ :desc "Start debugging setup" "cD" #'oreodave/debug))
A keybind and a routine
@@ -197,8 +199,7 @@ other stuff as well, cos Henrik may remove the Wakatime module.
:action oreodave/weather)
("Jump to bookmark"
:icon (all-the-icons-octicon "bookmark" :face 'font-lock-keyword-face)
- :action bookmark-jump)
- ))
+ :action bookmark-jump)))
- Killer queen image comes from this Reddit [[https://www.reddit.com/r/StardustCrusaders/comments/974qwh/fanart_killer_queens_shadow/][post]]
- Remove the Github link to the official Doom Emacs repository: it's in muscle memory
@@ -235,16 +236,17 @@ other stuff as well, cos Henrik may remove the Wakatime module.
:caller 'oreodave/csharp/get-unit-tests-in-project)))
- (add-hook! 'csharp-mode-hook '(lambda()
- (omnisharp-mode)
(setq c-basic-offset 4)
(c-set-style "java"))) ; Hook for csharp setting variables
+ (add-hook! 'csharp-mode-hook
+ '(lambda()
+ (omnisharp-mode)
(map! ; CSharp Keybinds
:map csharp-mode-map
- :desc "Format buffer" "=" 'omnisharp-code-format-entire-file
+ :desc "Format buffer" "=" #'omnisharp-code-format-entire-file
(:prefix "t"
- :desc "Select Test in Project" "t" 'oreodave/csharp/get-unit-test-in-project)))
+ :desc "Select Test in Project" "t" #'oreodave/csharp/get-unit-test-in-project)))
- I have custom installed the omnisharp roslyn executable, so I'd rather use
@@ -268,12 +270,12 @@ other stuff as well, cos Henrik may remove the Wakatime module.
(map! ; Python keybinds
:map python-mode-map
- :desc "Start python minor" "c" 'run-python
- :desc "Format buffer" "=" 'py-yapf-buffer
+ :desc "Start python minor" "c" #'run-python
+ :desc "Format buffer" "=" #'py-yapf-buffer
(:prefix "s"
- :desc "Send region REPL" "r" 'python-shell-send-region
- :desc "Send buffer" "b" 'python-shell-send-buffer
- :desc "Send function" "f" 'python-shell-send-defun)))
+ :desc "Send region REPL" "r" #'python-shell-send-region
+ :desc "Send buffer" "b" #'python-shell-send-buffer
+ :desc "Send function" "f" #'python-shell-send-defun)))
- I do python development for Python3, so I need to set the flycheck python checker, as well as the interpreter, to be Python3
- Most of my python work is in scripts or ideas, so I don't need extensive testing utilities or anything like that
@@ -313,59 +315,62 @@ in Doom, so I need this binding
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
- :desc "Compile via make" "cC" '+make/run ; I compile stuff all the time
- :desc "Shell command" "!" 'shell-command ; Better than M-!
+ :desc "Compile via make" "cC" #'+make/run ; I compile stuff all the time
+ :desc "Shell command" "!" #'shell-command ; Better than M-!
(:prefix ("m" . "personal") ; Personal
- :desc "Open books" "b" 'oreodave/goto-books ; I like my books
- :desc "Open school dir" "s" 'oreodave/goto-school ; I like my schooling
- :desc "Open weather" "w" 'oreodave/weather ; Nah I don't like the weather
- :desc "Change theme" "t" 'oreodave/set-new-theme ; From my own collection
- :desc "Reload emacs" "r" 'oreodave/reload) ; Reload is necessary
+ :desc "Open books" "b" #'oreodave/goto-books ; I like my books
+ :desc "Open school dir" "s" #'oreodave/goto-school ; I like my schooling
+ :desc "Open weather" "w" #'oreodave/weather ; Nah I don't like the weather
+ :desc "Change theme" "t" #'oreodave/set-new-theme ; From my own collection
+ :desc "Reload emacs" "r" #'oreodave/reload) ; Reload is necessary
(:after counsel ; Counsel or ivy
- :desc "M-x" "<SPC>" 'counsel-M-x ; Redefine as M-x because of my muscle memory with spacemacs
- :desc "Find file here" "f." 'counsel-find-file ; Sometimes use this instead of <SPC>ff
+ :desc "M-x" "<SPC>" #'counsel-M-x ; Redefine as M-x because of my muscle memory with spacemacs
+ :desc "Find file here" "f." #'counsel-find-file ; Sometimes use this instead of <SPC>ff
(:prefix ("/" . "search")
- :desc "FZF!" "f" 'counsel-fzf ; Just in case I need a counsel-ui for a gitignored directory
- :desc "RipGrep!" "r" 'counsel-rg ; Ripgrep is faster than Ag in most cases and makes me feel cool
- :desc "Search Tags" "t" 'counsel-etags-find-tag
- :desc "List Tags" "T" 'counsel-etags-list-tag
- :desc "Buffer Tags" "s" 'counsel-imenu
- :desc "Lookup" "o" '+lookup/online
- :desc "Search buffer" "/" 'swiper-isearch)); is quicker to do than <SPC>/b, for something that is done so often
+ :desc "FZF!" "f" #'counsel-fzf ; Just in case I need a counsel-ui for a gitignored directory
+ :desc "RipGrep!" "r" #'counsel-rg ; Ripgrep is faster than Ag in most cases and makes me feel cool
+ :desc "Search Tags" "t" #'counsel-etags-find-tag
+ :desc "List Tags" "T" #'counsel-etags-list-tag
+ :desc "Buffer Tags" "s" #'counsel-imenu
+ :desc "Lookup" "o" #'+lookup/online
+ :desc "Lookup select" "O" #'+lookup/online-select
+ :desc "Search buffer" "/" #'swiper-isearch)); is quicker to do than <SPC>/b, for something that is done so often
(:prefix ("w" . "window") ; Windows
- :desc "Close window" "d" '+workspace/close-window-or-workspace ; is slightly closer together than <SPC>wc
- :desc "Switch window" "W" 'ace-window ; is also used in spacemacs so I'd rather use this
- :desc "Swap windows" "S" 'ace-swap-window) ; allows me to switch windows more efficiently than before, better than just motions
+ :desc "Close window" "d" #'+workspace/close-window-or-workspace ; is slightly closer together than <SPC>wc
+ :desc "Switch window" "W" #'ace-window ; is also used in spacemacs so I'd rather use this
+ :desc "Swap windows" "S" #'ace-swap-window) ; allows me to switch windows more efficiently than before, better than just motions
(:prefix ("c" . "code") ; Code
- :desc "Fold all in level" "f" 'hs-hide-level
+ :desc "Fold all in level" "f" #'hs-hide-level
(:after format-all
- :desc "Format code universally" "=" 'format-all-buffer))
+ :desc "Format code" "=" #'format-all-buffer)
+ (:after lsp
+ :desc "Execute action" "a" #'lsp-execute-code-action))
(:prefix ("b" . "buffers") ; Buffers
- :desc "Close buffer" "d" 'doom/kill-this-buffer-in-all-windows)
+ :desc "Close buffer" "d" #'doom/kill-this-buffer-in-all-windows)
(:after projectile
- :desc "Switch to p-buffer" ">" 'projectile-switch-to-buffer ; Opposing <SPC>< which counsel's all buffers
+ :desc "Switch to p-buffer" ">" #'projectile-switch-to-buffer ; Opposing <SPC>< which counsel's all buffers
(:prefix ("p" . "project")
- :desc "Regen tags" "g" 'projectile-regenerate-tags
- :desc "Open project files" "f" 'projectile-find-file))
+ :desc "Regen tags" "g" #'projectile-regenerate-tags
+ :desc "Open project files" "f" #'projectile-find-file))
(:prefix ("z" . "font") ; Fonts
- :desc "Increase font" "+" 'doom/increase-font-size
- :desc "Decrease font" "-" 'doom/decrease-font-size
- :desc "Adjust font" "z" 'text-scale-adjust)
+ :desc "Increase font" "+" #'doom/increase-font-size
+ :desc "Decrease font" "-" #'doom/decrease-font-size
+ :desc "Adjust font" "z" #'text-scale-adjust)
(:prefix ("F" . "frame") ; Frames
- :desc "Kill frame" "d" 'delete-frame
- :desc "Make current buffer frame" "m" 'make-frame
- :desc "Choose buffer to make frame" "n" 'display-buffer-other-frame
- :desc "Switch frames" "o" 'other-frame)
+ :desc "Kill frame" "d" #'delete-frame
+ :desc "Current buffer frame" "m" #'make-frame
+ :desc "Choose Buffer frame" "n" #'display-buffer-other-frame
+ :desc "Switch frames" "o" #'other-frame)
(:prefix ("o" . "open")
:after org
- :desc "Calendar" "c" '=calendar))
+ :desc "Calendar" "c" #'=calendar))