path: root/Emacs/.config/emacs/config.org
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Emacs/.config/emacs/config.org')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Emacs/.config/emacs/config.org b/Emacs/.config/emacs/config.org
index c0850b6..3723462 100644
--- a/Emacs/.config/emacs/config.org
+++ b/Emacs/.config/emacs/config.org
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ Setup the evil package, with some opinionated keybindings:
evil-split-window-below t
evil-vsplit-window-right t
evil-want-abbrev-expand-on-insert-exit t
- evil-undo-system 'nil)
+ evil-undo-system 'undo-tree)
(fset #'evil-window-vsplit #'make-frame))
@@ -1800,6 +1800,16 @@ flyspell-mode should be hooked to text-mode.
(kbd "M-a") #'flyspell-correct-word-before-point
(kbd "M-A") #'flyspell-auto-correct-word))
+*** Undo tree
+Undo tree is a system for handling the history of any buffer. It
+provides a very nice 'tree' visualiser (hence the name) for revisions
+of a file or buffer, and allows you to move around different verisons
+at once, without using a VCS like git (all in Emacs, baby).
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(use-package undo-tree
+ :straight t
+ :hook (emacs-startup-hook . global-undo-tree-mode))
*** White space
Deleting whitespace, highlighting when going beyond the 80th character
limit, all good stuff. I don't want to highlight whitespace for