path: root/Doom/.doom.d/org/literate.org
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Doom/.doom.d/org/literate.org')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Doom/.doom.d/org/literate.org b/Doom/.doom.d/org/literate.org
index 0bacd7e..2f90392 100644
--- a/Doom/.doom.d/org/literate.org
+++ b/Doom/.doom.d/org/literate.org
@@ -59,6 +59,11 @@ literate module of doom.
+** Popup rules
+I don't want Emacs to focus onto the output buffer of the tangling process when I save, which is what happens with a standard async-shell-command. So setup a rule for the 'messages' and 'errors' buffers to not focus them (by setting their time to live to 0).
+#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
+(set-popup-rule! "\*org-tangle-.*" :ttl 0)
* Hook on save
Now we need to make a hook function that, when the current buffer is an org file
in the doom directory, will run the literate config procedure from above. Use