diff options
2 files changed, 19 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/Doom/.doom.d/config.el b/Doom/.doom.d/config.el
index a72fe68..ff9ee06 100644
--- a/Doom/.doom.d/config.el
+++ b/Doom/.doom.d/config.el
@@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
;;; ~/Dotfiles/doom.d/config.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-(org-babel-load-file (concat doom-private-dir "org/config.org") t)
+(defvar +bootstrap/org-files '("config.org" "personal.org") "Org files to load relative to =doom-private-dir=/org/*")
+(defvar +bootstrap/byte-compile t "Byte compile org files")
+(defun +bootstrap/apply-files (babel-func)
+ "Apply babel-func to a transformed list of org-files"
+ (cl-map nil #'(lambda (file) (funcall babel-func (expand-file-name (concat doom-private-dir "org/" file)))) +bootstrap/org-files))
+(defun +bootstrap/load-files ()
+ "Load org files into current Emacs session via =org-babel-load-file="
+ (interactive)
+ (+bootstrap/apply-files #'org-babel-load-file))
+(defun +bootstrap/compile-files ()
+ "Compile org files via =org-babel-tangle-file="
+ (interactive)
+ (+bootstrap/apply-files #'org-babel-tangle-file))
diff --git a/Doom/.doom.d/org/config.org b/Doom/.doom.d/org/config.org
index b5e3db2..17da87f 100644
--- a/Doom/.doom.d/org/config.org
+++ b/Doom/.doom.d/org/config.org
@@ -8,18 +8,7 @@
- Use it for most of my code editing and development needs.
- Incredibly versatile tool in my inventory.
- Has me like this half the time (╯°□°)╯┻━┻
-* Init
-Initialize literate config and setup some basic variables
-** Bootstrap
-Declare variable for org files I want to compile
-#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
-(defvar dx:literate/org-files '("personal.org"))
-Then just iterate and load them via =org-babel-load-file=.
-#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
-(cl-loop for file in dx:literate/org-files do (org-babel-load-file (concat doom-private-dir "org/" file) t))
+* Initial setup
** Doom Variables
- Set the doom localleader to "," because it's faster
- Using the font [[https://sourcefoundry.org/hack/][Hack]]