AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-08-11Add vec to Makefile and change cflags, remove vflagsAryadev Chavali
2024-08-11Add a TBC solution to leetcodeAryadev Chavali
2024-08-11Implementing a vector using memory tricks, TBCAryadev Chavali
2024-07-19Fix up leetcodeAryadev Chavali
2024-07-17Fix productexceptselfAryadev Chavali
2024-07-17Move qsort.cppAryadev Chavali
2024-07-17Extracted comparator function into insert callerAryadev Chavali
2024-07-17New file for quicksort algorithmAryadev Chavali
2024-07-17Tons of solutionsAryadev Chavali
2024-04-29Moved implementations to folderAryadev Chavali
2023-07-10(*)~fixed makefile clean recipeAryadev Chavali
2023-07-10(bsearch)+algorithm implementationAryadev Chavali
Reads lines from "bsearch.txt", asks user for a number then binary searches that number in the input data from "bsearch.txt".
2023-07-10(bsearch)+Elisp script to generate random values in bsearch.txtAryadev Chavali
Generates *LIST-SIZE* number of random numbers (within bounds 0, *UPPER-BOUND*) and inserts them one by one into bsearch.txt. Each number is separated by a newline.
2023-07-10(*)+bsearch to makefile recipes, +ignoring *.txt filesAryadev Chavali
2023-07-10(powerset)+some tests for powersetAryadev Chavali
2023-07-09(powerset)~Common Lisp -> RacketAryadev Chavali
Decided to try my hand at racket, fundamentally the algorithm is the same and code structure is basically the same anyway. Just looks cleaner.
2023-07-09(*)+MIT LicenseAryadev Chavali
Should start licensing stuff just to avoid a headache later!
2023-07-09(list)+constructor for List, ~cleaned up some codeAryadev Chavali
Same argument as btree
2023-07-09(Makefile)~modified to be slightly more agnosticAryadev Chavali
I'm going to add recipes for other language implementations of certain algorithms so as long as you have the correct background programs it just requires a make call to run the program.
2023-07-09(btree)+constructor for structure, cleaned up some codeAryadev Chavali
Might as well use C++ features if I've got them
2023-06-25(powerset)+lisp program for finding power setsAryadev Chavali
Working on it right now, just a copyright and documentation so far.
2023-06-25(*)~changed up makefile recipes, cleaned up READMEAryadev Chavali
2023-06-25(*)~reworking this projectAryadev Chavali
2021-11-26(General)~forgot to format my filesAryadev Chavali
Need to remember to format before each commit
2021-11-23(btree)+basic main test for insertAryadev Chavali
2021-11-23(btree)+recursive insert algorithmAryadev Chavali
Just checks the value of the current node against value, assesses if the leaf it needs to store it in is a NULL or not, then either allocates to that leaf or recursively calls insert on that leaf (so it may sort the value). Uses pointer magic for some cleaner code.
2021-11-23(btree)+struct for binary treeAryadev Chavali
Has a custom enum for ordering, as each type of data may have its own comparator system. Hence, each node will have a comparison function pointer internally. Though this increases the data required to create a binary tree, it does make it easier to support multiple types.
2021-11-23(General)~extract valgrind memcheck flags to VFLAGS variableAryadev Chavali
2021-11-23(General)+ggdb flag to CFLAGS makefileAryadev Chavali
2021-11-23(General)~memcheck recipes now has --show-leak-kinds=allAryadev Chavali
2021-11-22(btree)+binary tree cpp file with recipes in makefileAryadev Chavali
2021-11-22(list)+some flavour text for list program outputAryadev Chavali
2021-11-22(list)+filter functionAryadev Chavali
This generates a new list, and appends to it every time the current list value satisfies the condition. It then recursively calls the filter on the next value.
2021-11-22(list)+reduce functionAryadev Chavali
Basically accumulates values, check https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fold_(higher-order_function) for more detail.
2021-11-22(list)+example for map in mainAryadev Chavali
2021-11-22(list)+map functionAryadev Chavali
void return, just maps f onto every value in the linked list till nullity.
2021-11-22(list)~NULL -> nullptrAryadev Chavali
C++ styling.
2021-11-21(list)+recursive reverse algorithm for singly linked listsAryadev Chavali
Pretty simple, returns the last node as that's the new root node. Uses default parameters to make sure the first node has next set to null.
2021-11-21(list)+general style change, use unary switches for checking nullAryadev Chavali
2021-11-20(General)+makefile for common recipes that I'll use in this projectAryadev Chavali
Just write a few lines and it saves so much time. Don't try to automate it too much though.
2021-11-20(list)+destructor function in structAryadev Chavali
Nice feature of C++, destructors make it kinda nice to do memory management. Though they don't fully reduce the pain lol
2021-11-20(list)+first test with appends and outputAryadev Chavali
Main now uses append and cout mechanisms for a simple program!
2021-11-20(list)+simple output mechanism via C++ streamsAryadev Chavali
cout has inbuilt support for multiple types, easier than using printf. Just have to ease the compiler into it
2021-11-20(list)~struct List is not necessaryAryadev Chavali
Slight whiplash from change to C++, can just use typename now.
2021-11-20(list)+list.cpp fileAryadev Chavali
Will have all the singly linked list algorithms I can think of, using the structure I have defined (template based singly linked list) and the simple append function I have added that also acts as the main method of creating an instance.
2021-11-20(General)+readmeAryadev Chavali